on 11-12-2023 21:19
11/12/2023 21:09:0 | Warning! | RCS Partial Service;CM-MAC=nnn;CMTS-MAC=nnnn;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0; |
ChannelLocked StatusRxMER (dB)Pre RS ErrorsPost RS Errors1Locked40.3718466002Locked38.940294782893Locked37.9687221782764Locked38.2516451259475Locked40.3927238716Locked40.927207Locked40.98408Locked40.3616379Locked40.3124571159210Locked38.9307735859211Locked40.3141301740512Locked40.34953266013Locked40.9122912114Locked40.37667900015Locked39.8190072174616Locked40.93520198517Locked40.32941131418Locked40.34445167719Locked40.95963920Locked40.9149722421Locked40.9433922Locked40.34091123Locked40.992024Locked40.3650
on 11-12-2023 21:20
I have a lot of noise on the downstream in Hove this evening.
on 14-12-2023 11:22
Hi benjamin_hunt66,
Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums. ⭐
We're sorry to hear you're having an issue with your connection.
Taking a look at things this end, I can see there was an open fault affecting you. This was closed on Tuesday as resolved. I can see the hub is online and nothing untoward is being reported. I can see the hub has also been rebooted since the fault has been resolved so hopefully you are no longer having any issues.
Pop back and let us know if this isn't the case so we can offer some further help & support.
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