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IP Addresses Changed for Network

Up to speed

So, just logged into router to check devices and whats connected and whatnot and I see this


What is with the /24?


Community elder

Alessandro Volta

looks fine?

/24 is the subnet that your LAN is in so range -  


Up to speed

Never seen it before, it always ended before the /24, why confuse people?

It's only confusing if you don't know what it means.

Maybe a firmware update?

Up to speed

apparently software update on 18th october, still didnt fix error reporting for pre/post rss errors though and upstream t3 timeouts

@alphaomega16 wrote:

apparently software update on 18th october, still didnt fix error reporting for pre/post rss errors though and upstream t3 timeouts

Those errors are generally related to line issues or a faultly HUB, not firmware.

Yes but an update stopped them being logged before when I was having a lot of troubles, even now you can see T3 timeouts in the network log which relate to upload but all the entries in upload show 0 for errors that is how you know its still borked.

When I was having trouble before and even when ive had massive packet loss on the line due to issues in my area all the pre and post errors were 0 whilst neighbor who is on hub 3 had thousands of them.

I am not the only one encounter this.

Hi alphaomega16,

Thank you for reaching back out, if you are still facing issues with this we will need to run further checks and if required look at sending a technician for further investigation, so I can do this I will send you an invite into a private chat, once received click on the white envelope to accept.

