on 10-12-2023 15:07
Have been having problems with the connect app not finding the hub4. I have done reboots and hard resets and still does not help with the connect app. I tried connecting direct to the hub using using ethernet and WiFi today and neither worked so did another reboot and was able to connect direct to the hub. I tried a while later but this time it would not access the hub. Not sure what the problem is but all of my devices using WiFi and ethernet seem to be connecting ok with no problems. Does the hub4 have a fault which stops me accessing it direct or with the connect app.
on 12-12-2023 13:57
Hi Molly
I sent you a reply but nothing back from you yet. Today I did another reset and now cannot access the hub4 at all. Just get a white screen and no menu. It has been suggested that the hub has a fault and needs replacing.
on 13-12-2023 09:40
Well, during the night my wife was woke up by a bright light coming from the hub4. I said it was probably doing an update and that appears to be the case. It seems I can now access the hub ok and drum roll please.....the connect app now appears to be working so I will give it a go later this morning.
Have a good christmas