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Hub4 not resetting.

Tuning in


I’ve been without the use of my broadband for nearly two weeks now, and I’m THIS close (I can assure you my fingers are really close together right now) to leaving Virgin Media for a provider that actually cares about their long term customers. I’ve been with VM for well over 10 years now, but this past year has seriously started to test my patience with them.

Basically, my Hub4 is not showing it’s SSID on my phone’s wifi network list (I can see all my neighbour’s but not mine) and I can’t connect to the internet on any device I have, even if I use a ethernet cable directly to the router.

No matter what I do the hub’s not resetting. I’ve tried holding the reset button for 60 seconds, I’ve tried turning it off and on again and I’ve checked all the connections. None of which makes a difference, all I get is the same constant white light (it’s not flashing, changing colour or anything).

Every time I phone Virgin, I either get the same old copy/paste excuses about faults in the line and that an engineer is in the area and it’ll be fixed tomorrow, blah blah blah. Nobody listens to me when I tell them it’s the router itself, not the line. Sometimes I even get redirected to pay my bill by the automated system, despite having already paid it. It’s almost as if VM are blocking any help behind a paywall or something.

All I want is an engineer to come out and either fix or replace my hub, and to be compensated for the two weeks without my broadband or home phone.

Thank you.



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Just wait here a day or two for a VM Mod to pick this up.  Automatic compensation should kick in after 2 days of complete loss of service.

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Alessandro Volta

I'm sure the PSU for the Hub 4 is about the blow the fuse in the plug at any  moment, then the Hub can be reported as totally dead making an engineer visit much more likely.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi AndrewDA,

Thank you for your post and welcome to the community. 

I'm very sorry for the issues you've had with your hub 4. 

I have taken a look on our side and it does look as though you have already been able to speak with the team regarding this. 

Please let us know if you do need further assistance. 



Yes, my mother tried to contact you and was given the number 0333 000 5945. Turns out this is an technician’s number that has nothing to do with sending out engineers. Once again we’ve lied to by the Virgin call centre staff.

So we’re back to square one.

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hey @AndrewDA,

Sorry to hear the number she was given was not the correct one, I can see you have spoke to the team since posting your reply, were they able to assist with your query?



I’m sorry, but I don’t know where you’re getting that information. I haven’t phoned anyone since the message above as I’ve been waiting for responses here. I’m done with phoning up and getting nowhere.


Hi AndrewDA,

Thank you for reaching back out, really sorry to hear you have still been unable to get this resolved and still have no Internet, so I can help and arrange a technician if required, I will send you an invite into a private chat, once received please click on the purple envelope to accept.



Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Andrew,

Thank you for joining me in a private chat and for clearing security, glad I was able to arrange a technician for you, if needed you can reschedule or cancel the appointment Via your Online Account, if you need any further help in the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach back out, please let us know how the appointment goes, 



I will.

Thank you.