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Hub 5 and customer service moans

Dialled in

Moved house two years ago, was promised a Hub 5 as soon as they came out of pilot phase.
Upgraded to GB connection last year, was promised a Hub 5 as soon as possible
No Hub 5
Spoke  to Customer Service today - no record at all on the notes that a Hub 5 had been requested or promised !

Apparently I have to submit a DSAR to give them access to listen to the phone calls, so I've done that, and asked to speak to a manager, but the manager won't be able to listen to the calls until the DSAR is done.

Don't get me started on the Virtual assistant either, that asks you to sign in, then when you confirm you've signed in, just bounces you back to the home page !! 
Atrocious customer service, but I suppose brilliant if you want to disenfranchise customers to such an extent they give up


Alessandro Volta

Perhaps if your Hub 4 were to break down...

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @derek765 

Thank you so much for your post and welcome back to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 

I am so sorry that you have experienced these issues with your service and resolving this with our teams. 

I'd be happy to take a closer look into this with you via a Private Message. I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.

Up to speed

@derek765 wrote:


Apparently I have to submit a DSAR to give them access to listen to the phone calls, so I've done that, and asked to speak to a manager, but the manager won't be able to listen to the calls until the DSAR is done.


Er, sorry, what? That was just a fob off, hoping you will go away and stop bothering them!

A DSAR, is a formal request to a company, asking them to send YOU a copy of all details they have on record about you, including and phone call recordings and transcripts.


Hi Ash, replied to your msg



Yeah I know, I work in the field 🙂
But process is process ....

Thank you for chatting with me via the PM @derek765 and we are very glad that we were able to sort this. 

Please do let us know how things are looking after the Hub arrives and thanks again.

I've not had a chance to connect it up yet as the transformer comes on the (massive !) plug rather than a separate power brick, so I have to chop some holes to get it to fit ... !

Thank you for that information. Please let us know when you have been able to connect that up. 


Hub5 is now connected. First impressions:
- My Hub4 became unavailable last night, constantly cycling combinations of blue and white light. Presumably Virgin pushed a new update/disable code/something similar as I'd had the Hub5 for a week. Not impressed with this at all
- I have to cut a big hold for the new massive plug !
- The Hub5 is taller than the 4, but fortunately still fits where it needs to
- Initial setup went through a couple of loops where it forced me to change my just changed password. Annoying but seems ok now
- Access speed to open the Hub5 portal and switch between options much improved
- Speed of actually updating those settings seems worse than before
- Really disappointed Virgin haven't taken the opportunity to improve the very basic functionality offered by their supplied Hub
- Not had a chance yet to test features such as port-forwarding, DMZ, modem mode etc
- WiFi reach _may_ be improved but not noticeably as yet. I ran network diagnostics and it told me to move the device closer to the Hub - it's around 10ft away so that should not be an issue
- WiFi speed - insufficient data
- 5Gb wired connection - not tested yet
- Hub password and special characters - a feature on the Hub4 was that if you used a special character in your password, the Hub accepted it when changing, but never again, so a factory reset was required. Not checked this yet with the Hub5

Thanks again for arranging the Hub5, it's a step in the right direction but I'd like to see Virgin do much more regarding functionality.