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Home Server - Ports Blocked?

Tuning in

I'm a residential customer with a typical 500mbps package. My Virgin media router is set to "modem-only mode" and I use an external WiFi router.

I have forwarded ports 80 TCP & 443 TCP on my router & allowed 80/tcp & 443/tcp on the servers ufw, however, I am still having networking issues.

In order for me to troubleshoot my issue I first wanted to ensure that ports 80 & 443 were not blocked in any way by the ISP. I could potentially change the ports however, ideally, for maintenance purposes, I would prefer to use these ports if possible.

Im not a networking wizard but have a basic understanding, so any advice is hugely appreciated.


Alessandro Volta

VM does not block them ports when in modem mode.

What are you forwarding too? HTTP/S server? have you forwarded to the right LAN IP?

Check if ports are open here


Yes, a HTTP/s server.

I am using a DDNS service in order to manage my DNS records which checks for IP changes twice per day as Im assuming that home users do not have fixed IP addresses.

On my router I have forwarded 80/443 TCP using my servers local IP address which I have assigned as static.

So is them ports not showing as open at grc? maybe your firewall is blocking them?

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @supermiff thanks for your post although I'm sorry to hear of your concerns raised.

As mentioned, we do not block ports from our side and especially when in Modem Mode. 

Unfortunately, due to the way Modem Mode works and relies on a piece of third party networking equipment, I'm afraid we don't support much further with this but we'll of course keep this thread open so our VIP's can continue to offer their valuable assistance.

Many thanks


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

One thing you could try is to set the port forwarding rules up as to output a different port from the input.

Example input port 22280 output port 80, etc.

then in browser <url>:22280 and it should then get redirected to your device on port 80.

I use this type of ‘rule’ on my own router a lot as I’m running lots of machines.

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't and F people out of 10 who do not understand hexadecimal c1a2a285948293859940d9a49385a2

Yes, I am set to Modem only mode.

My third party routers web admin has been set to use 8081 so not to cause issues with port 80.

I have UFW completely disabled on the server whilst I troubleshoot. Port 443 is open and my router (asusmerlin) has both ports 80 and 443 forwarded for this specific device.

The only other device on the network which I have forwarded port 80 for is for the kids xbox but I don't think that would cause any conflicts on that port... would it?

The only device I haven't plugged my laptop into yet is the VM modem. Once in modem mode there are hardly any settings that can be modified. Does the VM modem use port 80 for web admin?

Im unsure why 80 refuses to cooperate.

Scanning the address returned an "OPEN" message for port 443 and a "TIMED-OUT" message for 80.

Interesting. So what you are saying is to leave all of my servers settings to use port 80 as normal but in my router settings set 22280 in my internal port field and 80 in the external port field? Or was it the other way around?

Does that sound right, or would I also need to adjust my server settings to use 22280 too? Also, would I then need to be forwarding port 22280 instead of port 80 for the device?

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Leave server alone on 80, 22280 ext, 80 int.

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't and F people out of 10 who do not understand hexadecimal c1a2a285948293859940d9a49385a2

Alessandro Volta

Its a bit pointless mapping another port to 80 when you want to use 80.

your router might be the problem test with modem mode to the device ans check for port 80 that way.

note on your router you can't port forward TCP 80 to two devices from any source IP at the same time 
