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High Latency, packet drops and disconnection on WIRED and WIFI

On our wavelength

Hi I am with VM for over a year now and I am getting constant disconnections on my 1Gb broadband - both wired and wireless. Its getting to the point where playing online games is impossible not to mention that this poor service negatively affects our working from home as myself, my son and my wife getting regular disconnections during the google meets, teams and so on. 

Hub data below - I will also paste BQM graphs as these are showing regular packet losses. Can anyone look at these and let me know if there is anything of concern from the data and graphs pasted?


Cable Modem Status Item Status Comments Channel Overview Downstream Upstream

Cable Modem Status
Primary downstream channel
DOCSIS 3.0 channels
DOCSIS 3.1 channels



Network Log

Time Priority Description

Wed Jan 4 09:48:32 20236CM-STATUS message sent. Event Type Code: 4; Chan ID: 9; DSID: N/A; MAC Addr: N/A; OFDM/OFDMA Profile ID: N/A.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Wed Jan 4 10:14:01 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: ; New Profile: 11.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Thu Jan 5 03:02:12 20236CM-STATUS message sent. Event Type Code: 16; Chan ID: 159; DSID: N/A; MAC Addr: N/A; OFDM/OFDMA Profile ID: 3.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Thu Jan 5 10:20:33 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12; New Profile: .;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Fri Jan 6 16:43:14 20233No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Fri Jan 6 17:13:20 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12; New Profile: .;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Sat Jan 7 01:49:22 20234DHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Sat Jan 7 01:49:22 20236DHCP Renew - lease parameters tftp modified;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Sat Jan 7 02:16:25 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12; New Profile: .;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Sat Jan 7 09:30:15 20235MIMO Event MIMO: Stored MIMO=-1 post cfg file MIMO=-1;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Sat Jan 7 09:30:29 20235DBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Sat Jan 7 09:30:29 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12; New Profile: 11.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Sat Jan 7 20:19:42 20233No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Sat Jan 7 21:32:20 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 11; New Profile: 12.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Sat Jan 7 23:15:59 20233No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Sat Jan 7 23:32:23 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: ; New Profile: 11.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Sun Jan 8 01:20:07 20233No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Sun Jan 8 01:32:19 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 11; New Profile: 12.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Mon Jan 9 08:05:12 20235DBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Mon Jan 9 08:05:12 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12; New Profile: .;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Mon Jan 9 10:37:14 20233No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Mon Jan 9 11:03:39 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12; New Profile: .;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Mon Jan 9 12:36:43 20233No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Mon Jan 9 13:07:10 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12; New Profile: .;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Mon Jan 9 14:05:34 20233No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Mon Jan 9 14:35:26 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12; New Profile: .;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Tue Jan 10 03:27:38 20235DBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Tue Jan 10 03:27:39 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12; New Profile: .;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Tue Jan 10 08:12:14 20234DHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Tue Jan 10 08:12:14 20236DHCP Renew - lease parameters tftp modified;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Tue Jan 10 08:37:37 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 11; New Profile: 12.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Tue Jan 10 08:38:04 20234DBC-ACK not received;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Tue Jan 10 09:11:28 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12; New Profile: .;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Tue Jan 10 09:11:56 20234DBC-ACK not received;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Tue Jan 10 09:42:56 20236US profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: ; New Profile: 12.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Tue Jan 10 09:42:58 20234DBC-ACK not received;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Tue Jan 10 09:45:02 20235DBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
Tue Jan 10 09:45:04 20234DBC-ACK not received;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;

Hi buchosmambo,

Thank you for your post and for posting all your data. That's really helpful to us. I'm sorry for the issues you've been having with your connection.

I've been unable to locate things this end however, but we'd like to investigate this further - I'm going to send you a private message so I can take some details and help further. Please look out for my message over at the purple envelope.



Hi Beth, thanks for showung an interest in this issue. Just a quick update. We have had a VM Technician yesterday, who replaced Hub 4 for Hub 5 and relinked the wifi pod to the Hub 5. I decided to run the Hub and WiFi pod together at default settings and monitor the BQM. It has been almost 24h since the replacement and I am slightly confused and dont kniw what to make out of this now....


I must say that the speeds offered by this new Hub are awsome.... Im hiting something like 880M on my laptop consistently which would never happened on Hub 4. At 1st it also felt like connection is more stable as all Smart TV in the house worked much smoother conparing with Hub4. Playing Netflix and YT videos feels also smoother and they are loading up much quicker. However, when playing for example on ps4 this morning, I had the usual disconnection which firstly I thought mustve been on the server side but then I looked at Hub5 network log and this is what I got, see below. Large nunber of warnings. BQM shiws no droos (red spikes) with few higher ping spikes. Will post it in the next reply


14-01-2023 09:40:43noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 11 13; New Profile: 12 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 09:40:43warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 08:40:20noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12 13; New Profile: 11 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 08:40:20warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 08:30:17noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 11 13; New Profile: 12 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 08:30:17warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 07:29:49noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12 13; New Profile: 11 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 07:29:49warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 07:19:46warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 07:19:46noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 11 13; New Profile: 12 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 06:39:23noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12 13; New Profile: 11 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 06:39:23warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 06:29:20warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 06:29:20noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 11 13; New Profile: 12 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 03:28:03noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12 13; New Profile: 11 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 03:28:03warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 02:20:47warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 02:20:47noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 11 13; New Profile: 12 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 01:47:06warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 01:47:06noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12 13; New Profile: 11 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 01:26:57noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 11 13; New Profile: 12 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14-01-2023 01:26:57warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
13-01-2023 23:05:58warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
13-01-2023 23:05:58noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 13; New Profile: 11 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
13-01-2023 21:58:03warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
13-01-2023 21:58:03noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12 13; New Profile: 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
13-01-2023 21:27:46noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 11 13; New Profile: 12 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
13-01-2023 21:27:46warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
13-01-2023 21:25:11warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
13-01-2023 21:25:11noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 12 13; New Profile: 11 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
13-01-2023 20:19:11warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
13-01-2023 20:19:11noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 14; Previous Profile: 11 13; New Profile: 12 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;

Hope you dont mind me commenting but we have been having the same(ish) issue with out GIG1 Hub 4 for over a month.

First tech (4/1/23) replaced the hub 4 with another Hub 4 and after several hours we had the same problem again. Disconnects on both wifi and wired every hour at the same minutes pat the hour, after rebooting the hub it would run fine for a few hours then start again.

Second Tech visit (11/1/23) he bought his manager with him as they say power into the Hub is fine and if changing the Hub didnt help then it must be something we have connected to the Hub causing interreference, so we disconnected all the wired connections and have gradually been adding them back in (very slow and tedious and yes incredibly annoying) the first 3 went in and there were no interruptions or lag spikes but since adding 2 more it has started to drop packets again and today we had the first proper disconnect, dont know if any of this info will help you at all but it may be worth trying to disconnect all wired things and see what happens when you add them back in

It was working great  until October time then there was an issue in the area and its been crap ever since.



BQM looks good suggest you use hub in modem mode and get your own router with 1Gb ports

Hey sure I dont mind at all. It seems that, many here are having very similar issues on 1G packages. On Hub 4 I would have very consistent package drops at (like you said the same time points):

- every 30m when smart wifi enabled

- every 1h when smart wifi was disabled and bith 2.4 and 5Ghz separated. 

It kind of worked "well" for me in the way as I could warn my team at google meets about me dropping of the call within next 60s haha:) not so nice for my son who works for customer service where he talks with customers.... I bet he will get some negative feedback soon 😞 

After rebooting Hub4 things would be normal for few hours on BQM graph and then regular drops combined with high pings. 


With current Hub 5 it all seemd better untill today morning when I had that drop on Ps4 (it was connected via wifi this time) That forced me to chceck BQM and all I can see is very high ping spikes but no red drops. I tgen checked Networ Logs and there seems to be a lot of warnings byt could also mean nothing.... 

Anyways, since installation of Hub 5 the only wired connection is HIVE and I told everyone at home to use wired when needed so kids will just plug in ethernet when playing online. When this drop hapoened today there was only hive connected to the Hub. I tried disconnecting hive on old Hub 4 but there was no difference. 

I dont think that the regular drops would be caused by wired connection as such in your and my household.... Surelly must be something to do with an actual hub? Or maybe even VM servers? Is it (hub) actually able to support that many devices turned on at the same time? I honestly dont know... On the other side.... Previous drops were happening even over the night when we all were in beds between 2am and 8 am... Where liturelly everything is turned off


Really curious about the current warnings on Hub 5 and whether they mean anything to my problem...? 


Additionally, even tho VM technician switched Hubs via the call to support office, my Virgin Connect App can not find new Hub 5 haha 🙂 

Think, I will just wait for VM support to get their opinion on Network Log, and take it from there. I will minitor Hub 5 over next few days and try different possibilities, maybe different ethernet cables, will disconnect Huve too but gradually like you suggested. 

Thanke Legacy1 I was also asking in my previous posts if using my own router would work better but didnt get clear answer. I was worried that investing money in new device wouldnt make any difference (initially Power Levels were too high)


What Router would you recomend? Budget of lets say £500?

You can test in modem mode without a router by wire to PC to see if you have any problems first. 


So quick update after using Hub5 entire weekend. 

Initially, I separated both bands, to enable connection of some bulbs etc but this option came with downside of WiFi pod not working correctly and also Connext app not able to see the Hub so I decided to revert Hub5 to default settings and I run it like this since yesterday. WiFi pod works fine and Connect app now detects both Hub and WiFi pod. Overal its a huge improvement over the previous hub4. I had a team call today and usually I would drop out but few times but this time connection remaind stable - well ocasionally, my voice would slow down foe a second or so but at least I didnt drop out. I guess this indicates some sort of network overload or maybe just equipment isnt able to support sudden high demand - Im not expert so dont know....


With regards to speeds, I can easily get 880 - 910Mb on my laptop via WiFi most of the times, with exception of saturday afternoon where it wouldnt exceed circa 520Mb.

There is only one issue now, connect app says that some of my devices are not connected to either Hub or Pod which is incorrect as at the time of typing this post from my mobile phone I am actually using my Phone on WiFi but app says its not connected 🙂 

Al I need now is to order one more pod to cover last section of the house and should (fingers crossed) be all ok.


Will monitor this miving forward