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Getting DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN on lots of ZOHO sites and no idea why?

Joining in

I've tried changing my dns servers from the VM ones to google and still no joy. I had it last week when trying to sign up to ManageEngine (owned by ZoHo). This morning ive tried to sign up to ZoHo CRM and as soon as i go to log in im getting this error again.

Any ideas?

Screenshot 2023-07-29 133247.png


True. I make it

I'm not a Very Insightful Person (just a little bit, sometimes). I don't work for Virgin Media (but then nor do any of the offshore customer service agents).

direct from the ZoHo log in page.

entering username and then clicking the NEXT button. Its the same off phone, incognito mode, different browser etc.

So strange.

I think that URL is for the ZoHo CRM landing page that is public. So if you are looking to sign up, or navigating to it from a new device etc.

Once you log in, all of the services seem to have the service/app name first. For example, i am currently on the CRM interface now (i logged in via Microsoft, logging in via third party account works as i assume the issue lies with the DNS resolution of their authentication server) AND it shows my unique business URL as :<uniqueIDhere>