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Hi all.

I'm fighting with accessing google domains from virgin media broadband. Setting up the router at my home is not the solution as other users might have the same problem and I cannot ask each one of them to set up their router. Did anyone resolve this problem?


This doesn't help with my problem

Hi @Mehcanic 👋.

Thanks for your post. Can we ask what error messages or codes are you facing when accessing Google. Please expand a little further on this for us so that we can assist you better.

Keep us updated.


Same issue here. I have ongoing problems with VM and constantly being asked to restart the hub. Restarted it today and cant access any websites including thinkbroadband, virginmedia and many others. Cant work at all…happens on both wireless and wired connection. Have you managed to fix it?

@buchosmambo wrote:

Same issue here. I have ongoing problems with VM and constantly being asked to restart the hub. Restarted it today and cant access any websites including thinkbroadband, virginmedia and many others. Cant work at all…happens on both wireless and wired connection. Have you managed to fix it?

National Outage - looks like routing issue.

Mostly fine in my area but some page don't load even with 3rd party DNS.

Was an issues on VM's system status around 1230am/1am.

Joining in

First, check your internet connection to ensure it is stable. Then, clear your browser cache and restart the browser. If the issue persists, flush the DNS cache by using the appropriate command in the command prompt or terminal. Changing your DNS servers to providers like Google DNS or OpenDNS may also help. Additionally, disable any VPN or proxy services you're using and restart your router. If none of these steps work, it may be necessary to contact the website administrator or your internet service provider for further assistance.

Knows their stuff

@rickberon wrote:

First, check your internet connection to ensure it is stable. Then, clear your browser cache and restart the browser. If the issue persists, flush the DNS cache by using the appropriate command in the command prompt or terminal. Changing your DNS servers to providers like Google DNS or OpenDNS may also help. Additionally, disable any VPN or proxy services you're using and restart your router. If none of these steps work, it may be necessary to contact the website administrator or your internet service provider for further assistance.

This was weeks ago and confirmed to be a VM network issue. Third party DNS would not have helped as a core VM network routing issue. I suffered and I use Cloudflare DNS.