on 31-10-2023 01:40
New to VM and I've switched from EE where my max speeds were around 30mb I now have virgin 1gig fibre and now when gaming I'm getting packet loss, lag, party chat disconnections and my NAT type keeps changing to moderate.
Never had this issue before if anything the 30mb speeds I was getting were more reliable.
I have the Hub 5x and I have a hardwired connection to my Xbox series X which is what I'm getting the issues on.
on 31-10-2023 13:19
See if is this VM Hub test link works on a Hub 5x
If it does, share the results,
If the test begins click on: Run full test to see the stats for Upstream, Jitter, Packet loss & latency.
on 31-10-2023 16:15
wait for modem mode on the hub and get your own router
You can setup a BQM for now
Broadband Quality Monitor | thinkbroadband
on 31-10-2023 20:14
this is ran from my phone, not sure what any of it means but the main issues I get are through my Xbox series X. Constant lag and packet loss and that's connected via ethernet.
01-11-2023 10:26 - edited 01-11-2023 10:37
It means the packet loss at the Hub is minute, and at the device the is no packet loss. The latency ( lag ) at the Hub is very low too, but you can see using Wi-Fi more that triples the latency at the mobile & this is why folks are warned that Wi-Fi is not good for interactive game play.
Moderate NAT & Strict NAT can be associated with use of double NAT. i.e. use 2 devices in Router mode, you don't mention this configuration but folks often omit the most critical aspects of their systems.
01-11-2023 11:04 - edited 01-11-2023 11:05
Xbox nat issues can also be dependant on the routers UPnP and if it is correctly opening and forwarding ports for the Xbox and even specific games and game services. Also as mentioned above, if you are using your own router after the Hub5X then you are double natted,
What surprises me is that doesn't the Hub5X mean this is a XGS-PON install? a 12ms ping seems high unless the poster is physically very far away from the test server? And 46mbps upload over true fibre to the home is just such a travesty...
on 01-11-2023 12:53
VM are pushing ahead with XGS-PON and Hub 5x.
But the numbers of early failures and questions / issues that customers raise suggest the platform, the Hub 5x and the after sales support are barely past beta test quality and reliability.
on 03-11-2023 13:06
Hi Mnm2397 👋 Welcome back to community! Thank you for posting.
Sorry to hear about these issues with packet loss via your connection. As the community have identified, for optimum speeds (particularly whilst gaming) a wired connection is preferable to Wi-Fi.
Are the problems just happening whilst online gaming? As this can be linked to several issues outside of our control (such as the location and connect of the server hosting the game)
If you are able to post a live BQM this will help us with some additional data to support your case and offer further support!
I will also send you a PM to confirm a few account details so we can look into this further for you and ensure there are no issues locally that may be affecting your connection. You can find the PM in the top right corner of the page in your Inbox. 📩 We can then return to this public thread with another update when possible. Thank you for your patience in the meantime!
Wishing you all the best. 🌞
on 23-11-2023 10:18
Hi All 👋 I'm just returning to update the public thread.
Huge thanks to Mnm2397 for PMing with me 📩 and for their patience whilst we have got things sorted!
I am pleased to confirm this is all now resolved. There were some issues with the provisioning of the hub identified following a technicians appointment. This was then raised with the IT teams who were able to get it resolved. In the meantime the engineer at the appointment replaced some cabling, so hopefully this will eliminate any issues in future too 🤞.
I'm pleased to see it all sorted! If any issues return within the next month please feel free to drop me another PM reply, or if it's longer than that just jump on this thread or a new one and any member of the team who picks up the conversation first will be happy to assist you.
Thanks again for your understanding throughout this process! Hopefully there are no further issues! Wishing you all the best. 🌞