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Complaints procedure

Tuning in

Does anyone know how to get a deadlock letter from vm. I can’t even manage to get a call from them. Surely there’s vm support for customers🤣


Alessandro Volta

One aspect of the current OFCOM investigation into VM is "complaints handling/facilitating appropriate access to ADR"

so you shouldn't be surprised to learn that a deadlock letter might not be readily provided. You should include this as an aggravating factor when you do refer to the ombudsman.

When did you first complain to VM about the issue? You can go to the ombudsman 8 weeks after you first complained to VM without needing a deadlock letter.

In your earlier topic, the VM forum team refer to a fault reference number which does confirm you have/have had an issue of some kind with your connection, which will help your case. If the issue is to do with poor connectivity of the service(s) to your home (rather than the wi-fi signal within your home) you should probably avoid referring to it as a wi-fi issue in your complaint as that could possibly skew any adjudication judgement if the adjudicator thinks you are only referring to a wi-fi problem.

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi @Bluepete987,
Thank you for your post. I can see you are in PM with us and you can discuss that there. 



i’m still in the same position with little to no internet. A couple of People have made the effort to email me to check if everything is okay. It would seem this is just to show they are being pro-active, as when I reply to say internet is no better, I don’t hear from them again. Same on hear people from vm have said they’re looking into the matter for me, but nothing is changing. 14th December vm happily took the full amount from my account. 3rd month of little to no internet though. I have served vm with a legal notice this again has been ignored.

Hi Bluepete987 👋 
Thank you for returning to this thread to keep us updated. Really sorry to hear that there are still ongoing issues with your service, and this additional feedback regarding our complaints process. 
I've sent you another PM to pick things back up with you and continue to offer support. You can find it in the top right corner of the page in your Inbox. 📩 

Thanks again for your continued patience in this matter whilst we get things with your connection and complaint resolved. 

Speak soon. 🌞
