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Bad connection

Tuning in

Hello, i have restrained myself from complaining for some time now however with no sign of improvement i think enough is enough. I pay for 350mbps broadband speed and this speed is stable and what it should be for the ps5 set up via wired connection. However, everything else used on a wirless connection suffers complete loss of internet in one part of the house or another. For instance my 2 older children have consoles in their bedrooms but consistently (every single day) complain about lag and loss of connection. I used the room scan with the virgin connect app and it gives the estimated speeds as around 20mb in their rooms and states this is fast and should be no issues. However the daily complaining, aswell as me seeing the evidence with my own eyes tells me differently. I also have a second tv box wirelessly connected in literally the adjacent living room that constantly states 'buffering' whilst trying to watch anything that has been recorded or anythin on netflix etc. Surely 350mb is enough to cover these things? And surely it should not be a struggle to load netlix 20 feet away? Not to mention the constant ! That appears next to the wifi on mobile devices if i so much as step foot in the kitchen. Can someone please help or explain as to why this service seems so bad? 


Community elder

It sounds like it's not the '350Mbps' being the limiting factor, considering you stated your wired device is ok, but the HUB's wireless?

Which HUB do you have?

How many wireless devices do you have overall?


350Mb/s is plenty of speed.  The issue is one Wi-Fi coverage in the property.

Gaming at the fringe of the Wi-Fi coverage is always fraught with additional lag and jitter,  a network cabled connection would be the best option, but the practicalities of that may also suggest considering other options such as PowerLine Extenders, Wireless Repeaters or a Mesh system. 

For comparison we have about a dozen rooms on two floors, a Hub + two additional Wireless Access Point are required to provide a robust Wi-Fi signal throughout.

Hi Carl, thank you for replying. The hub i have is the hub 3 as apparently that is as good as i need? And as for the wirless device amount it can range between 3 and 7 throughout the day, with the amount not seeming to be an issue as the problems are experienced regardless

@Nattpass10 wrote:

Hi Carl, thank you for replying. The hub i have is the hub 3 as apparently that is as good as i need? And as for the wirless device amount it can range between 3 and 7 throughout the day, with the amount not seeming to be an issue as the problems are experienced regardless

If you are sure wired connected devices are ok, then you have several options:

  • Put the HUB in modem mode and buy your own router/mesh system.
  • Buy your own repeaters to extend the HUB's wireless signal.
  • Pay VM an additional £8 per month for their 'pods'

Hi Client62, thank you also for replying. I have invested previously in a wifi repeater but found that in the end nothing improved (the first couple of days seemed like problem solved however back to the same from then on even after full reset). The loss of connection occurs in the kitchen even whilst the hub is merely 5 feet away in the living room, so im completely baffled as to how it can be this bad?

Thanks Carl, unfortunately im not quite tech savvy enough to set anything up myself. I did attempt the use of wifi repeater but in the end this also failed. I would consider virgins wifi pods if they actually work? Although im sure i tried that a while ago and it stated you had to have a black spot to get them? Even though i have terrible connection and the scan tries saying its fine..

@Nattpass10 wrote:

Thanks Carl, unfortunately im not quite tech savvy enough to set anything up myself. I did attempt the use of wifi repeater but in the end this also failed. I would consider virgins wifi pods if they actually work? Although im sure i tried that a while ago and it stated you had to have a black spot to get them? Even though i have terrible connection and the scan tries saying its fine..

I'm still unsure if you have a stable connection to be honest.

Could you create a BQM here and post the live link (All personal data is removed automatically).