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Seeing old account details instead of new

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When I log into the app or Web I see my old account and not my new active account, tried to get it sorted a couple of times and told they where going to move account details to fix it but still hasn't happened. Has anyone had this experience before?


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Forum Team

Thank you for joining me on private message @Barrydevlin88 

Glad to hear that we've gotten this sorted for you today. 


If you believe the issue to be resolved you can mark the thread as resolved by clicking the helpful answer given and this will show anyone else having issue that an answer was given and direct them to the post, alternatively you can just like or 'kudos' the post if it helped you. 


Please let us know if you are having any further issues or have any questions at all. We'll be here to help on the community forums if needed :). 


Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent

See where this Helpful Answer was posted


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hello Barrydevlin88


Apologies for the account issues via MyVm since moving, we appreciate you taking the time to raise this via the forums and welcome to the community.


Can you confirm when the move took place? It can take a few days for all of the details to update for the new account, have the team advised this? If not, what have they advised and what steps have they taken to get the details updated?


Let us know.



Hi Rob,

It's kinda of a weird one in that we where supposed to move and then ended up staying put last minute, I think it still got processed as a move though.

I cant remember the exact date of the new contract but it was in September (16th I think) so over a month anyway.


Kind regards,


Hi @Barrydevlin88 

Thank you for confirming this. 

Okay, we can see what's happening at out side and see if we can transfer the details from your old account to your new. 

Please join me on private message so I can locate your account and pass account security. You can see your private messages at the top of the page, in the envelope icon or if you're using a smaller device, you can see your private messages by clicking on the Virgin Media logo at the top right and select 'Messages' from the drop down. 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent

Forum Team
Forum Team

Thank you for joining me on private message @Barrydevlin88 

Glad to hear that we've gotten this sorted for you today. 


If you believe the issue to be resolved you can mark the thread as resolved by clicking the helpful answer given and this will show anyone else having issue that an answer was given and direct them to the post, alternatively you can just like or 'kudos' the post if it helped you. 


Please let us know if you are having any further issues or have any questions at all. We'll be here to help on the community forums if needed :). 


Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent