on 28-12-2023 23:22
Hello team,
my account has been suspended can you please explain me why it happened.
i have attached screenshot for reference.
thank you,
on 29-12-2023 08:16
Hi there @Punihegde72
Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here.
I am so sorry that you have faced this issue with your service and thank you again for your post. Can I ask if you have recently moved house or changed anything with your package? Do you have any outstanding amounts at all left to pay?
on 29-12-2023 08:34
Yes, i have moved house recently after that im facing issues
on 29-12-2023 10:46
Thank you for confirming @Punihegde72
After a house move you would be given a new account number for the new address, do you have this and have you been able to try registering the new account at all?
on 29-12-2023 10:48
I have not tried to move any house my bill has been messed it’s 118 pounds instead of 26.99.
on 29-12-2023 13:19
I'm sorry @Punihegde72 What has been stated here has been contradictory.
Have you moved house recently? If so have you tried to register the new account number for a My Virgin Media account as the old one would close as shown in your first screenshot