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Joining in

Joined in february and still waiting for my contract account number etc. so after numerous calls webchats etc being told they will send it via email or post im still unable to check my bills etc. 

somebody please advise as im losing the will to live with this company and been with them for approx 20 years now 😡


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi headshot666


We're sorry to hear you're still awaiting the details for your account, we appreciate you raising this via the forums and welcome to the community.


It's strange that you haven't received the contract details or a bill between now and last February, these should be either posted or sent via email to you. What happened in February for you to require a different account number? Did you move? If so, when you moved did you update the contact details such as email? Were there any issues receiving these monthly details prior to February?



i rejoined in a new  name on 20/02/2023. as i was with talktalk recieved detials via sms so router was delivered and i plugged it in and have been paying via direct debit. but stopped last 2 months to see if i would get a bill email etc. ive even had convo via watsapp and was told yet again they would be sent out in post. this was a week ago lol. 

Hello headshot666.

This issue needs sorting as quick as possible.

I can look into this for you. 
If you don't mind, I will need to send you a private message to pass security. 
If you can check the purple envelope top right of your screen that would be great. 