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Virgin broadband price?

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Hi everyone. So I was paying £59.90 for my M350 broadband I'm just wondering what people are paying as I'm thinking of either leaving or trying my best to get a better deal. I also have virgin media tivo box and sadly the contract renewals are staggered and I have heard if I change broadband supplier my tivo service won't work is that correct?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

In honesty, what other users on this forum pay is immaterial. What matters is what competition there is in your specific area, this has far more impact on what VM are likely to offer as a retentions price than anything.

Your understanding about the renewal dates is incorrect - you have one VM account with one minimum contractual period, which covers all your services. There's also a couple of points to note with your TV service.

Legacy TiVo boxes have their own in-built internet connection which is independent of your home broadband, save for it being delivered over the same co-ax. The boxes are extremely old, and you would do very well to include a box-swap as part of any re-contract, however..

Negotiating an upgrade to a V6 would be a superb move. It runs the same software as your TiVo, but on a much newer box with more recording tuners and generally faster operation.

VM Sales will push you to "upgrade" to TV360. Forget the upgrade here, and think of it as a migration - to a completely different software platform. It runs the same hardware as a V6, but the software is substantially different - akin to Apple vs Android.

Both the TiVo & Horizon (TV360) platforms have their pros & cons, but be aware if discussing them with sales, as a conversion from TiVo/V6 > TV360 is one-way and cannot be reversed if you change your mind. Some love it, some hate it, but whatever you might decide - do so on an informed basis.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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