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VM complaints timeline

On our wavelength

How good are VM at following up and dealing with complaints VIA their online complaints form?

Been on the FullHouse bundle for years 6+ it slowly worked it's way up to £112 a months so called them up and asked for a deal.

Keep the current package channels and BB for a better price. The guy on the phone came back with Mixit TV package for £68 a month.

This was towards the end of May just noticed today looking for the SCFI channel as not watched much tv the last month, that about 100 channels were missing inc this. They are all Grey inc most of the HD channels.

Gone onto my account and seen that Mixit tv is  = to the big bundle which is the base pack of 100 channels

Feel totally ripped off for an 18 month contract for not what I asked for. Do they record calls?

I've asked to be called with an explanation and for someone to put me on the right package I asked for at a deal I had originally phoned for.


On our wavelength

Be warned they LIE BIG TIME

I am having a similar issue where my contract was £76 and it jumped to £98 i spoke via online chat to three different people and they gave me an offer of £76 again as i couldn't afford £98.i could see the amended contract in the chat but never received it by email,three months later i find i am still paying £98 and i am now trying to get this sorted.All i have is a screen shot saying the £76 will start from August yet my latest bill says £98 again


Just Branson trying to get back some of the many millions he has lost

Community elder

A few days > a few months > never

^ Based on other threads posted on here.

@martin72 wrote:

Be warned they LIE BIG TIME

I am having a similar issue where my contract was £76 and it jumped to £98 i spoke via online chat to three different people and they gave me an offer of £76 again as i couldn't afford £98.i could see the amended contract in the chat but never received it by email,three months later i find i am still paying £98 and i am now trying to get this sorted.All i have is a screen shot saying the £76 will start from August yet my latest bill says £98 again


Just Branson trying to get back some of the many millions he has lost

'Branson' hasn't been associated with VM for many years.

Alessandro Volta

A DSAR may get you the call recordings along with any other info you select

but note the 180 day retention period so get that underway if your issue relates to the period around end of May.

In past OFCOM surveys, VM has regularly been at the bottom end of the tables and a key factor in that has been complaints handling.

OFCOM launched an investigation into VM on 13 July 2023 specifically into VM's cancellation and complaints processes.

Case ref. no. and an email at the bottom of the above page or submit with same info via the contact form

Submitting information won't help your individual complaint but it will contribute to the OFCOM investigation and it sounds like your experience is directly relevant to the terms of reference of the investigation.

On our wavelength

I've found out what has happend. I've noticed there is a "Maxit" and "Mixit" tv package both almost look identical which has caught me out.

Looking back at the contract, I signed upto in May they moved me to the "Maxit" tv package with the existing 350mb BB. I then looked in July and seen they were offering me to upgrade the BroadBand to 500mb for an extra £6 a month which I opted to do.

This took longer than advertised to go live on my account a week instead of 3 estimated days.

Somewhere in this happening they have moved me onto 500mb BB and changed the package to "Mixit tv with TNT sports"

Looking at the contract it says 350mb BB removed and 500mb BB added it was an actual upgrade from the upgrade BB page so the package shouldn't have been altered. It looks like VM have messed up their end

Hi @mym72 👋.

Thanks for your post on our Community Forum. Apologies you have had this issue in relation to your Virgin Media package. Have you since managed to resolve this or do you require assistance?

I have sent you a private message should you wish for further assistance. 

Please look out for the envelope on the top right of your web browser or if you are using a mobile device it will be located under your profile icon.

