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Service move

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Good evening,

Today I went onto the live chat and requested a home move - easy enough so you would think

anyway fast forward a couple of hours and I’ve had an email from Virgin which is basically a new account set up. New plan set up and that it wasn’t just the £20 fee for moving home I was gonna be charged but a part month plus an advanced month taking the bill to £76 which is absolutely ridiculous. 

I’ve tried to contact to rectify and have gotten absolutely no where. 

Is there anyway I can sort this without me losing my rag and telling them to stick it and going to Sky broadband. 

Cheers in advance 



Accepted Solutions

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi MarkHill29 

Hope you'll be very happy in your new home.

Unfortunately when you move home VM set up a new account and charge in advance, the same as if you were a new customer.  You may however be due a partial refund from your old residence, if so VM might be able to transfer that amount to your new account.

first bill after moving home.jpg

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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi MarkHill29 

Hope you'll be very happy in your new home.

Unfortunately when you move home VM set up a new account and charge in advance, the same as if you were a new customer.  You may however be due a partial refund from your old residence, if so VM might be able to transfer that amount to your new account.

first bill after moving home.jpg

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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Keep the community welcoming for all. Please read the FAQ's
The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

Thank you very much for the reply. 

if that’s how it is then that’s fine. I thought it’d just be a few to move and carry on the existing account. 

thanks again. 



I have a similar problem.

I have received an email saying my new equipment is sent to my new address, which I haven't moved in yet. Shouldnt they be sending the equipment to my current home so that I can take it with me to my new home on my moving in day? I explained everything in the chat, I dont know why it is being delivered to my new flat. 

Trying to contact virgin but no chance as usual. Also waiting in the chat for 2 hours now. 

How can I make changes on this order? When I follow the steps online, it takes me to my main account page where there is no update on the order. 

Hello selind


Sorry to hear of the issues regarding your move, we appreciate you raising this via the forums and welcome to the community.


As with any new account (even though this is a move of existing services a new  account is generated in your name at the new address) the equipment is sent to the address of the new account. We can see you have spoken to the team, what did they advise during the contact? Have they advised you of the steps going forward? To update this order you would need to speak to the movers team again.

