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Separated with partner and want to cancel

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Myself and my partner have recently separated and he has moved out. We are currently in a contract, which expires Friday 15th September. I have been still using the service and paying for the ultimate volt bundle, however, the account is in his name. 

Before the contract is renewed, I would like to cancel. How am I best going around this? I'd like to cancel and set up a new account in my name and with my details. Him ringing up to cancel isn't an option, as we aren't on speaking terms. Please can you let me know the best way to go around this.



Accepted Solutions

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @mariapotter96x 

Thanks for posting and welcome to the community - apologies for the personal situation.

As @newapollo states, the Goneaway process would work here. Please can you call our team on 0800 183 1234, explain what you've told us, they'll file a Goneaway form to ensure that account is closed and you can open your own 🙂

Best wishes.

Forum Team

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi mariapotter96x 

The account holder is responsible for any bills and only they can cancel the account.

There is another option which might apply and the forum team may be able verify if this would work in your situation.  It's normally only used when a person moves into a new property and the previous occupant hasn't cancelled their subscription. The new householder applies to join VM and VM send out a "Gone away" form to try and trace the previous account holder.



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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @mariapotter96x 

Thanks for posting and welcome to the community - apologies for the personal situation.

As @newapollo states, the Goneaway process would work here. Please can you call our team on 0800 183 1234, explain what you've told us, they'll file a Goneaway form to ensure that account is closed and you can open your own 🙂

Best wishes.

Forum Team

Need a helpful hand to show you how to make a payment? Check out our guide - How to pay my Virgin Media bill

Hi, I called Virgin last week, explaining my situation and they said they have filed a goneaway form, and would give me a call the next day. I still haven't heard anything so calling them again. Just worried because my contract is supposed to be renewing on Friday. Can I just cancel the direct debit and set up as a new customer? I just don't want to be charged for the higher amount. Thanks. 

Hi Mariapotter96x,

Thanks for your reply, sorry you've not heard anything back from the Team about setting up your own account now that the Gone Away form has been filed. 

Have you rang the Team back to see how the process is going along? If not, please give them a call again on 0800 183 1234 as they may be able to set up your own account now 🤗

You can cancel your Direct Debit on your Ex's account, but be aware any bills that go unpaid may show as a default on your Ex's credit file - Nothing will show on your own file though as the account is in his name, thus he is responsible for keeping the bills paid.

Please give the team a call and let us know how you get on 🤗

