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Re: moving home and being put into a new 18 month contract

Joining in

Hi, I started moving home with my services last month of 19th August. Because we had delay in moving we changed date of instalation to 13th September, then again changed to 19th September. In the end because earlier instalation date was available the real instalation date was 9th September. 

Now on my account is big mess and I have 3 new contracts with start date 19th August, 13th Septrmber, 19th September. What means I have now 3 contracts and twice set up direct debets. Can someone advise what happened on my account.

Next thing is the end date of my contract changed, extended next 18 months. As I was informed on my first talk with our agent if we doesn't change our services the end date of contract will be the same as was in old address. All my 3 new contracts have wrong end date which supposed to finish 30th April 2024. 




Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi Darioszymanski,

Thanks for your post and welcome to the community.

Many apologies for any confusion around you contract dates, so just to clarify have you received a full contract on when the date the actual service began?

Also as above are any discounts due to run to their usual expiry date?



Hi, no all contracts  have different dates than 9th September. Yes I have new customer discount till 29/04/2024, then supposed to finish my old contract.  
