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Re: Kit collection by contactengine

Tuning in

Do VM know what a dogs' dinner the subject of returning stuff has become. After VM replacing my Hub3 with a Hub5 I put the old one aside but remember seeing a statement that only Hub4 and Hub5 needed returning. After 4 months I get an email asking for the Hub3 back. Nowhere on the official websites is there a link to print a returns label so a google search of images found others who have obliged with the file. So I took the parcel to the Jodel site, a local Shell service station, where I am told that it was not a drop-off point and he won't take it.
Thanks:Shell Shinfield - 209-211 Shinfield Road, Reading, RG2 8HA (0.5 miles away) 
Now there's a paragraph in the latest email asking me to look out for a call from Contact Engine who might or might not call at the door or phone to take the stuff away. Now at the same time I am waiting two weeks for a returns package as well, and when I get that I still won't have a Jodel depot that is guaranteed to take the stuff.

If my broadband wasn't so cheap I would be a customer already.




Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@grebrynod wrote:

So I took the parcel to the Jodel site, a local Shell service station, where I am told that it was not a drop-off point and he won't take it.
Thanks:Shell Shinfield - 209-211 Shinfield Road, Reading, RG2 8HA (0.5 miles away) 



There's text at the bottom of the email advising  Customers who no longer have their Hub 3 can ignore the request 

If still wanting to return the hub3 then you can use either or both of the following links to find your nearest store (they have different shops listed) 

If you have a printer you can print out your own label via 

After clicking Create a new label. you will be prompted for your email address. Once you receive the email you will be able to print out a returns label which includes a barcode

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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @grebrynod 

Welcome back to the community forums 

Sorry to hear of the concerns you have with returning your old Hub 3. 

Please do let us know if the support kindly provided by @newapollo has been able to support you and resolve your query for the nearest collect plus point shops to you. 

You can also find more information on returning any equipment and printing your own returns label here if needed. 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent