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Joining in

Hi, I was coming to the end of my reduced payments so phoned up to leave or agree a better deal.  The price was going to be £98 per month if I stayed on the same contract. I was offered a reasonable deal at £41 per month so chose that.

The new contract started on the 8th August but £98 was taken on the 25th August, which wasn't in line with any of the agreements on the webchat.  I need a refund of £57.  I tried to do this via whatsapp messaging but the automated system was terrible and wouldn't let me choose this as an option.

I also have a couple of other issues that will require compensation because the £98 bill caused me to go into my overdraft for which charges will occur.  Also, I need to keep my balance above £0.00 with my banking current account to receive a £5 reward, which I will now not receive, so will need compensation for this also.

Please can you resolve.


Joining in

Actually, I've just re-read a confirmation email from you that says my next bill would be £33.01 so you owe me £64.99 plus compensation for the overdraft charges and missing out on the £5 reward:

Screenshot 2023-08-30 084424.png


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi selftitled,

A warm welcome and thanks for posting on our community forums. We're sorry for any confusion caused regarding your billing and package changes.

You advised that you made a change to your package on the 8th of August to your new deal, depending on what day you bill is produced in August, the £98 will come out as normal and any refunds or credits owed will appear on September's bill as we always bill one month in advance.

Can we ask if you have checked your bill online to see the adjustments on there?

If nothing is showing, please pop back to us we will investigate this further for you.

Kind regards Jodi. 

Thanks for getting back in touch. I made changes on 8th August and in a confirmation message was told that a bill would be generated on 9th August to be taken on 25th August which would be £33.01 (as per the screenshot on my message above).

Instead a bill was generated on the 9th but £98 was taken on 25th in error (it conflicts with agreements I made on the webchat and the new package confirmation email I received on the 8th).  The bill period is for the 14th August to 13th September so there's no reason it should be at the increased amount because all agreements were prior to then and I had confirmation that it wouldn't be at that amount.  Please can you issue a refund and compensation immediately, I don't see why I should have to wait until next month when it's a VM error.

Thanks for coming back to us selftitled,

Apologies for any confusion caused by the wording in your new contract. As you made the changes on the 8th, but your bill was produced on the 9th, there would not have been enough time to amend the bill as this would have already been printed. We do not change DD amounts as any credits from your old package are automatically adjusted the following month being September’s bill.

I will pop you over a private message to take some details from you so we can investigate this further. Please click on the envelope at the top of the page to accept the chat.

Kind regards Jodi.