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New contract agreed in chat yesterday for £53 and received contract in email today for £68 I'm not stupid

Tuning in

Well it doesn't seem long ago I was trying to resolve being overcharged and here I am again with more issues.

I tried emailing the person who helped me last time but apparently it is unsolicited so I will explain the issue here.

3rd August I spent hours on live chat with Virgin Media agreeing £54 renewal of exact same package as my account recognised (early) that my contract had come to an end and offered me a renewal deal for £57.  I was then offered it for £54 in chat. I then realised as I was moving from O2 I wouldn't get Volt and although my new contract said 1gig it would actually be 500mb so I changed my mind at the last minute after pre-contract and the next day 4th August I sorted a deal with O2 as I found £6.99 for 6gb data, unlimited text, unlimited calls on moneysupermarket.  When I was in chat with O2 I referred to this and asked them to match or better it which they did after I sent them a link to the offer (including this stuff in case it helps anyone).

After O2 I went back to chat with Virgin Media and after a long long wait I was offered £53 price for what I'd been offered the £54 the previous day, a renewal of my current package which was due to expire 6th August 2023.

After I was told it was all sorted even though it suddenly errored and after a few minutes I managed to get the same person/chat back, I hadn't seen the pre-contract at this stage and they were in no rush to send it, I asked about it.  But I had read the one the day before and sent on request to this new person a screen grab of the £54 pre-contract as they couldn't open pdf files.

Later last night I noticed the pre-contract had arrived around the time of the final bit of conversation and I looked through it, and the initial price showed £53 and then I spotted that additional items had been added.

From 6th September 2023 the price will be £63

From 6th September 2023 the price will be £68

By then it was too late to go into chat and someone had previously helped me on this community so I sent them a message to explain that I'd noticed a few things about what they'd sorted had gone a bit wrong and explained my current situation with the new contract. I received a message from the moderators telling me off for unsolicited messages.

Well it looks like a phone call or another live chat is in my near future but I'm only writing this here so maybe someone from Virgin Media can contact me and help me in private message as they did last time when all other attempts failed.

I hope this message helps someone and thank you for reading.

(I have copies of all conversations with Virgin Media and screen grabs)


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @PaulR_UK thanks for your post here in the Community although we're sorry to hear of the concerns you've raised here.

It looks like since you've raised this post here, that you have got things resolved via other methods but if you do need any further assistance or clarity please don't hesitate to let us know!
Many thanks


Tuning in

Hi Tom_W1,

Thank you for your reply, it took around 5 hours to finally sort things yesterday (or so I thought).  After lots of talking on live chat, the offer that was inside my "change your plan" was agreed by the person in the live chat and I was assured repeatedly that although the pre-contract said £49.00 that it would be "adjusted" (their words) for the contract.  I received the contract today and it was for £49.00 not the agreed £43.00 which they said they'd spoken to their manager about and it was fully agreed, they mentioned £43.00 multiple times in the conversation so there can be no misunderstanding on my part, I have it all recorded including the one virgin media sent me in the email at the end.  So yes I thought I had finally sorted it but I had planned on using the telephone tomorrow to try to give one last push on getting what was agreed but as you have replied today Tom I'd like your help with this please.

I will provide any copies of chats/screen grabs and I even screen recorded a large portion of the conversation.  I just want to get it sorted once and for all.  Thank you in advance, I look forward to your private message.

Kind Regards


Paul R.


Hi @PaulR_UK 

Thanks for coming back to us.

I'll send you a PM now to get this investigated.

Forum Team

Need a helpful hand to show you how to make a payment? Check out our guide - How to pay my Virgin Media bill

Tuning in

An update for anyone reading this post. It looks like a £6 credit was applied to my account to bring the price down from £49.00 to £43.00 a month so I'll look out for this on my next bill.  Thank you to John_GS for looking into this for me, it has saved me a few more hours on live chat or time on the telephone.

You're welcome @PaulR_UK 

Thanks for letting me look into and advise you on this.

Have a lovely evening and do pop back to the community if you ever need further assistance.

Best wishes.

Forum Team

Need a helpful hand to show you how to make a payment? Check out our guide - How to pay my Virgin Media bill