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I used to work directly for VM then when I went to a tier one company I kept my myrates as I was still working on VM contracts.

I have recently start working for a tier two company and still working on VM contracts.  I have received a letter saying that my bill will change. Can you please assist?



Alessandro Volta

I'm not sure what you hope to gain. Everyone's contract price depends on individual circumstances, and I don't think you can rely on special rates lasting forever.

I started off on mate's rates, but after a few years of arguing for discounts at renewal time I accepted that the special rate was long gone.

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi pmyburgh001,

Thank you for reaching out to us in our community and welcome, sorry to hear you have received communications advising your price is changing, we are unable to make any package changes Via our Community and would advise calling us so we can look into this for you and discuss your options.

Please call either 150 from a Virgin Landline or Mobile or 0345 454 1111 from any other Phone.

