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On our wavelength

Hello Virgin

I am living. moving to new address where you are not delivering service.

I have answered all questions to your BOT and now waiting until some member of your staff will be able speak to me. BOT said you ppl are busy. of course, more busy than your client. I have nothing else to do but wait 20 minutes, when you will find time to me.

hope you will find time soon.

thank you in advance.


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi brothharley,

Thanks for your post and welcome back to the community.

Apologies for any delays with the cancellation and also sorry to see you're leaving!

Were you able to get this sorted?



On our wavelength

No, nothing was sorted.


No, nothing was sorted, Kain

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

We're sorry to hear this, brothharley.

Can you please tell us where you left things and if you're still in the queue to speak to our agents regarding the house move and disconnection?

Let us know more, we're unable to process a disconnection on our end but you can find all our methods on how to cancel here.

Let us know how you get on, cheers.

Forum Team

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Read this thread Adri please. I left exactly same point i was yesterday.


Sorry to hear this @brothharley 

Please try the following link to see other contact methods to process cancellation. We are unable to process cancellation here on forums.


Forum Team

New around here? Check out the do's and don'ts, in our Community FAQs

I am not asking you to cancel in forum

I am asking WORKABLE option to cancel.
two days I am awaiting someone will respond to me other that bot.

probably, stop just paying is better option to attract your (as company) attention?


love it!. 40 mins awaiting in chat, 10 minutes to answer bot's questions and been awaiting with no answer.. 10 mins for answering on SMS and in queue again..




If you value your time and your sanity I'd send your cancellation by recorded delivery, 1970s style, to Virgin Media, Sunderland, SR43 4AA. Make sure to include your name, address and account number so that they know who you are.

Cancel VM here
Complain to VM
Demand compensation from VM here
Demand your call recordings here
Monitor the state of your VM connection here