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I have not received a welcome email

Just joined

I signed up to a broadband deal this morning, however never received my welcome email and therefore can’t set my account up online without it as it contains my account number and area code, I called up and spoke to an agent who apparently sent it but it never arrived and after reading a lot of similar stories on here where the same has happened and they have not received it, it felt best to leave a question.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @flaviadanila

Thank you for your post and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

I'm sorry to hear you're waiting on a welcome email. Have you checked spam/junk too? You won't need to set up your online account until the services are installed and activated as the account won't present any information until then.


Zach - Forum Team
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Joining in

I have the same issue, I've been waiting since the 11th August. I can't log into my account, I can't make an account and neither of the 2 emails I've received have the account number or area code on them. I tried to call however I can't get through to anyone without these details. It is an absolutely rubbish system! 

Hi @ameliajappy

Thank you for your post and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

I'm so sorry to hear that you have a similar issue. Have you also checked the spam/junk folder? Are your services active yet? You won't be able to access any information or do anything on the online account until then?

In regards to calling, you can still reach and speak with the team on 0345 454 1111 (or 150 from a Virgin Media landline) even if you don't have this information. When the system asks for it, don't enter anything and allow the request to loop 2-3 times. You'll then be put through to the next stage to speak with an agent.


Zach - Forum Team
New around here? To find out more about the Community Forums, take a look at our FAQs!

I was on the phone with customer support for 2 hours and I finally figured out it's because of the missing broadband box that wasn't delivered. I tried to get a new one sent but there's an account associated with my address already so I was part way through the process of cancelling that when I was hung up on and never recontacted. At this point, I may just go with a new company. 

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @flaviadanila as a follow up, I would like to help you prepare for setting up your online account.

I am going to send you a private message. Please keep an eye on your inbox in the top right of your screen.



Hi @ameliajappy thanks for getting back to us.

Sorry to hear you've had issues setting up an account with us and sorry for any inconvenience this may be causing you. I would like to take a look on your behalf. I am going to send you a private message. Please keep an eye on your inbox in the top right of your screen.

