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Equipment return

Joining in

I've recently cancelled, and already have the returns packaging.  An email I received asked me to return two routers, specifying the serial numbers for both.  One is the Hub 5 - fair enough.  The other one must be the Hub 2 since that's the only other one I've ever had (the email only identifies it as a Netgear Super Hub).  

I received clear instructions when receiving the Hub 5 that VM don't want Hub 2s back and to recycle it, and the current equipment returns page also confirms this.  I can't check the serial number since I don't have it any more.

I'm concerned that with VM specifically requesting two devices to be returned, I'll be charged for only returning one - I don't really trust the returns process to identify that the second serial number is a device that VM don't even want back.  Advice, please?


Forum Team
Forum Team

Thanks for your post on our Community Forums @fitzyfitz, and a very warm welcome to you!

Sorry to hear of the confusion caused, and you're quite right that the Hub 2 wouldn't be required to be returned.

Check out the envelope in the top right hand corner for a private message from me and I'll take some details from you, to ensure that the correct protocol is followed by ourselves on this one.

