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End of contract but told different prices for broadband

Tuning in

My contract is ending on 16th Aug (currently on 350mb bigger volt bundle + sports & movies & w/end ph). When I rang up 3 days ago to cancel they offered me 1gb broadband, maxit tv, 2 v6 boxes, sports & movies, Netflix & anytime pH for £70.00! But as I don't want & can't afford this much, which is why I want to cancel, i declined. I asked how much for 350mb only, they said £31.00 which was the volt upgrade from 200mb? as I'm an o2 customer. I said I would have to call back next day as I had to work out if I could afford it. 

When I called back the next day I was told the price was £41 for 350mb £47 for 500mb & £53 for 1gb. When I asked why I couldn't get the £31 price I'd been given the day before I was told that it was because the person who'd told me that had a personal discount to use but he didn't have any left to give me so it would be £41. He said that price was for that day only, but I wasn't told that even when I said I would call back the next day. He agreed that this meant that   potentially I could get a different price any time I rang as each person may or may not have a discount to offer at that time!

I feel this is extremely unfair as it really seems to be pot luck as to how much you will end up paying for a contract based solely on who answers your call that day. I also feel that the price I was quoted on Mon should still stand. Can anyone help me on this please.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi St_H 

To be honest the prices quoted are on a take it there or then basis.  If you are fairly happy with the price quoted (or need to confirm it first with say your partner) then accept it as it probably won't be available again.  You can then take advantage of the 14 day distance selling window should you change your mind and wish to reject that offer. You would then go back to your original pricing, even if it was the out of contract price,  and package (or nearest equivalent) and then have the option of either cancelling or renegotiating.

An offer is not binding until it is accepted.  So if you get an offer but say you'll call back or keep shopping around, it is entirely at VM's discretion whether they can or do offer it again.  VM's  actual prices can vary on a day to day basis, and also on an agent to agent basis. 

I don't, and haven't worked for VM, but have worked within call centres as a retentions agent, and would suggest that all companies follow a similar format in that individual agents are given "save targets" and can offer different deals than those offered by other agents on the same day.

I know it sounds odd, but agents are given a set amount of allowances to offer at varying price points.

If they have used up their quota of lowest prices for the day or week, then they couldn't offer say the Ultimate Volt bundle for £100, but if the next agent hadn't reached their quota then they would be able to offer that price point.  It's also possible that one of the retention teams may be "trialling" a price point not available to other teams.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
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Tuning in

Very similar experience I had yesterday too. Offered 1gb, maxit tv, sky and and bt sports, 2 X 360 boxes (already have 2 V6 boxes so just a software update and new remotes), Netflix and anytime chatter call plan for £71/ month. 

Contract came through priced at £77 and a £24.95 one off upgrade fee to 360 TV. I called them immediately and on hold for an hour. Got through to a nice guy who spent ages re-doing the whole package. Turns out the previous guy didn’t apply his discretionary discount, apparently they only have a certain amount when a customer is playing hard ball or genuinely looking to leave, like in my case. 

In the end it got sorted. But it is, like you say pot luck. I did receive the initial contract summary from the 1st guy which clearly stated the £71. Its like they have to do some raffle and pick what deal they can offer you! 



Forum Team
Forum Team

Hey St_H, thank you for reaching out and I am so sorry to hear this.

We don't look after package changes or upgrades / downgrades via the forums.

However have you checked here for any deals which you may like? Cheers 

Matt - Forum Team

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