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Contract error after moving

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Hi all

Looking for some help as i cannot get through on phone.

i recently moved house and took my VM service with me, just BB with no changes to services.

i have been billed for two months of BB and charged a moving fee, also, i have been given a new 18 moth contract.

i raised a complaint but the response was not helpful. Basically the email explained  that first payment was always a double payment and nothing about the new contract.

it should not be a first payment though as was already a customer, just a house move. Think i was into contract for about 10 months or more before all this.

How can i get this changed? nothing has changed in regards to services, just the move.

feeling like i have been scammed





Up to speed

Yes, you have been scammed, in fact I suspect legally you have been defrauded, which is a criminal offence.

Now what should happen in your case is that a new contract is set up, fair enough as it is a new address, but this contract (as long as no changes have been made to it), should reflect the old one. Now oddly, although it really should be simply, this seems to require a degree of manual intervention, which doesn’t always seem to happen - a cynical person might wonder if this is a deliberate policy on the grounds that you might not notice and pay the increased rate.

However as you have posted on here, a member of the forum team will eventually get to this thread, read it, sigh to themselves and think ‘oh not again’,while updating their CV and offer to help.

Now what you have described has been repeated on here for years, we can only assume that VM have no intention of rectifying it on the grounds that deliberately defrauding people, and paying compensation when caught  makes them more money than if they were to fix the underlying issue.

Thank you Vinegar

Seems like no matter what services or products you buy the sellers are always trying to rip you off. Race to the bottom while taking as much money as they can on the way.

Hopefully this gets resolved soon and thank you for your response 🙂

Hi @vincent1973,

Thank you for your posts and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

I'm so sorry to hear that there appears to be a dispute and potential issue with your billing. I'm going to send you a private message shortly so that we can take a closer look at what's going on. Please respond to this when you can and we'll go from there.


Zach - Forum Team
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