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Contract Details Not Updated

Tuning in

Can somebody please help?

Agreed a new contract with VM last week (details etc. sent to me via e-mail) - but My VM still doesn't show new contract details. 

Even worse - My VM provides me with an option to explore renewal options. 

Have attempted speaking to the Call Centre (renewals) but am being told that a contract update can take 7-10 days (this isn't what i was told last week). But if that contract update is in process I'm not sure why My VM is giving the option to explore renewal options.

I now have no faith that anything is happening.

Thanks in advance for any help I can get.




Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @Beagle2 

Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here.

I am so sorry that you have faced this issue with your recent deal. Can I just confirm, did you receive a contract after agreeing to the deal? Have you downgraded any of your services? 


Yes, I received a contract and no I haven't downgraded any of my services.

Thank you @Beagle2 

I'm going to pop you a PM so we can look into this together,  please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.