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Tuning in

I have cancelled my entire contract on 13/10, never heard anything neither got pack to return the equipment. 

Chat is waste of time so posting query here 


Alessandro Volta

VM's failure to send packaging is a regular source of complaint on here. Equipment returns info is here

with an option to request packaging or print your own label to return the items.

Keep good records of the items returned (serial no., MAC address etc.) as well as the tracking receipt/number as this is the only proof you have of sending equipment back. If VM collects from you, get a unique record of date/time of collection, van reg no., driver name, ID badge no. etc.

You can share your unhappy cancellation and equipment returns experience with OFCOM.

They launched an investigation into VM on 13 July 2023 specifically into VM's cancellation and complaints processes.

Case ref. no. and an email at the bottom of the above page or submit with same info via the contact form

Submitting information won't help your individual complaint but it will contribute to the OFCOM investigation and it sounds like your experience is directly relevant to the terms of reference of the investigation.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Kiran2021, thank you for your post.

We're sorry to hear you're leaving us and about the problems you've been having doing so 😔

I can see you've spoken to the team since you posted. Have you been given the necessary clarification on the situation?

Please pop back to us at your earliest convenience.
