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Black Friday deals problems

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To cut a long story short. I ordered the Black Friday Deal 2 “The Big M350 Volt Bundle” on the 16th November, nothing happened so I ordered it again on the 25th Nov still nothing. I did however get this notification see below. Basically and after long tedious phone calls to a call centre (they couldn’t understand my accent and I couldn’t understand them) I was connected to What’s app were I was told the O2 sim would arrive in the next 8 days, I’m not convinced. I was supposed to get a new 18 month contract at £45 per month. I actually think I’ve being put on the speedier Broadband package and no new contract and no O2 sim. All I want is what was advertised in the email and what I agreed to and signed up for. My current sim contract ends next month so this I thought was an excellent deal.



This Black Friday deal is for existing customers see below highlighted in Red


The Whats app chat below confirming that I would receive the O2 sim in 8 days.










Tonto, they are doing this to EVERYONE! We had a contract upgrade offer of £41.12 for broadband only so went ahead with it on the 27th November. Pre contract docs received etc and still it's not gone through. Nothing at all showing in our account. So I asked them what was going on last week and they tried to sell me an even more expensive package. They're now saying the deal I signed up for on the 27th is not valid (even though it was on our upgrade/renewal page). So our latest bill is £68! As if we are on a rolling contract. If you're in the cooling off period..GET OUT! 

That is clear mis-selling in anybodys book as they were the ones offering all these Black Friday deals to existing and new customers.

Basically if they don't honour the terms of their contract offer and subsequent contract confirmation by email l will let  my contract run out and then leave Virgin after 23 years as a customer.

My word is my bond but obviously its seems theirs is not.



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @Tonto44_zeni 

The Black Friday contract you were sent is incorrect and VM wouldn't be able to honour the terms of their contract offer as it shows Premier Sports HD + BoxNation.

Viaplay rebranded Premier Sports under the Viaplay Sports name on 1st November 2022 and BoxNation closed on VM on 20th December 2022.

It also doesn't look to be right as the telephony is showing as Incoming Calls Only.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

What l posted is exactly what they sent me via email as its not my fault that they cannot get the details right as that is entirely down to their incompetence and duplicity in agreeing black Friday deals with many customers including myself and then because it does not suit them, they are now not honouring them, it is simply awful optics and  once my contract ends they have lost me as a customer which up until now we were for 23 years.