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Billed after cancellation

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So I recently cancelled my vm broadband after hours on the phone. I was told my final bill would be on June 22nd. Which I paid. And my Internet would be disconnected on the 4th July. However I still have the connection and just received another bill for July22nd. I've received no email confirmation for the disconnection only a text just after I ended the call. Has anyone had this issue 


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @Jrom1996 

Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 

I am so sorry that you have faced some confusion after registering a cancellation with us. We do not send confirmation emails for cancellations, but is anything showing in the My Appointments and Orders section of your My Virgin Media app? 

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Hi. So my Internet has finally been disconnected however In the regards to the bill I received I shouldn't be sent it. I cancelled on June 4th. Received my final bill which I paid on the 22nd which covers me until the 22nd of July. If anything I'm owed money and shouldn't be paying for 22nd July to 22nd August 

Thank you for clarifying @Jrom1996 so we do bill as normal up until the services are cancelled, after which we will send a final bill which will have any credits back for services paid for but not used. 

In the case this would be from the 4th of July to the 22nd of July.