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😤 fibre network for phone line

Joining in

So yet again problems with virgin media, constant Wi-Fi drop outs, prices constantly increasing, now forced into fibre network for phone line, Oh and guess what? It doesn’t work, you follow all the trouble shooting problems and all you get is they are working on it. Can’t wait for my contract to end because I’m leaving virgin media. 

[MOD EDIT: Subject title changed for clarity]


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Is this just a moan, or do you want some help?

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't and F people out of 10 who do not understand hexadecimal c1a2a285948293859940d9a49385a2

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Sharonsp thanks for your post here in the Community although we're sorry to hear of the concerns you've raised here.

We have ran some checks and there are no issues on the line currently, how are things via a wired connection through ethernet cable please?

In terms of the landline, can you confirm that you have received the adapter to connect your phone to your Hub?

Many thanks
