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Virgin landline unreliability central Brighton area

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What is happening in the central Brighton area that causes Virgin landlines to become dead for several hours every few weeks? This has now been happening for months.

The Service Status page on Virgin's website always claims that there are no faults in my postcode, but when I call Virgin's number there is always a recorded message that the fault is known, and an engineer is working on it. If this is so, why isn't the fault recorded on the Service Status page?


Thank you @GBV156 for the update.

Perfect, let's see how it goes over the next few days.
If it all works fine - happy days.
If the issue does re-occur, we'll investigate the matter further.

Keep us updated.

Kind regards,

Forum Team

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Hello again,

Unfortunately, the issue with the dramatic swings in broadband speed remains.

I have kept a frequent eye on broadband speeds here over the past week, and there does seem to be a possible common trend taking place.

Speeds are consistently very good (mainly 250mb/s, or greater) for most of the morning and afternoon. However, speeds then reduce greatly from around 4.30pm, and by approximately 5pm, they reduce further, (between approx. 0.5mb/s and 3mb/s), and stay that way for the rest of the evening. Around midnight, the speeds then suddenly improve dramatically, and get back up to 250mb/s or higher. This cycle seems to repeat each day.

I appreciate that there would be a greater demand for domestic broadband usage during the evenings, when people return home from work, but I can't imagine that this alone could cause such a dramatic loss of bandwidth. Certainly, my own broadband usage does not alter appreciably during the day or evening.

Are there any technical matters you can think of, which could consistently affect download speeds so drastically, from the late afternoon until midnight?


Hi GBV156, thanks for getting back to us.

I am sorry to hear you're having what sounds like a serious drop in speed.  We've had a look at our systems from here and cannot find anything that explains the drops.  When you're noticing these drops in speed, have you checked here for any updates?  It will also allow you to login and book an engineer, if required.  Also have you attempted a pinhole reset of your hub? You can get advice on how to do so here.  It essentially takes your hub back to factory settings.  However, it clears most issues.  Please only attempt if you can still access your orignal WiFi password.  Please do get back to us with any updates.




I tried the pinhole reset on the Hub 3.0, and good internet speeds were achieved for a few hours, followed by complete failure of the connection around midnight. By 7am the next day, good connectivity was restored, but then failed again totally around 5pm, and this cycle has now become a constant factor. Sometimes a pinhole reset restores an incredibly slow connectivity, but usually it does not, leaving no connectivity at all, by either ethernet or WiFi, on any device during the evening.

As my landline is also now connected via the Hub, I am also unable to make or receive calls during the evenings.

Windows 10 Network Diagnostics reports that "Your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding."

Another device reported that no valid IP address was available. All devices appear to be connected to the network, albeit with no internet access.

I am currently writing this message on my phone, as 4G connectivity through my sim card is the only way at the moment.

Can we arrange an engineer to visit again?




Thanks for your reply @GBV156, I'm sorry to see that this still has not been resolved.

I will be happy to take a look at this further for you, so this can be done I will send you a PM to confirm your details.



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Thanks for chatting with me via PM @GBV156, I'm glad I have been able to arrange for this to be looked at for you.

You can check your appointment as well as cancel or change this via your online account here.

Please also note, someone over the age of 18 must be in the property when the engineer visits.

If you need anything further in the meantime, please let us know, we will be happy to assist.




The do's and don'ts. Keep the community welcoming for all. Follow the house rules

Four months later - plus two technician visits - and the same problem persists..

To recap - excellent broadband speeds during the morning and early-to-mid-afternoons, often falling to less than 1mb/s during the late afternoon / evenings.

I have multiple screenshots of speed checker tests to validate this. I have just conducted broadband tests on the Virgin website, which confirm this issue.

All devices affected equally -Windows 10 PC, plus tablet, plus laptop, and also Android tablet, plus phone.

Error reports from devices often tend to show internet connectivity exists, but no valid IP addresses are issued to devices.

I have turned hub, (and devices) off and back on multiple times, plus hub re-sets. Occasionally this might work. Most often it will not.

Is it possible to finally resolve this issue, as it is now becoming tiresome?

Thank you.


Hey GBV156, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry you are having some connection issues.

I have some tests and I would like to invite you to a PM so we can get to the bottom of it.

Please look out for the purple envelope. Thanks 

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

Hey GBV156, thank you for confirming this.

Please do let me know how the tech visit goes and I hope you have a lovely rest of the day. Thanks 

Matt - Forum Team

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