on 05-12-2023 13:06
I've just received a text saying about the digital switchover on 8th December 2023 in my area asking me to call 150 to arrange installation.
I'm not going to call 150 unless I absolutely have to, since the last time I was charged nearly £7 for the privilege.
Is there any way any of the forum mods can arrange delivery of the gear please?
on 05-12-2023 13:14
Hi @IanSR 👋.
Thanks for reaching back out to us. Calling 150 from a Virgin Landline is not a chargeable number. Calling 0345 454 1111 is chargeable, but inclusive of any mobile minutes that ,ay be a part of your package, also calling this number from a Virgin landline will be chargeable after 60 minutes. This is why we advise customers to call 150 from their Virgin Landline so that they are not charged for the call.
on 05-12-2023 13:28
I was charged and have had a refund, it was an "error".
If you're not able to arrange delivery I'll video myself calling 150 just so I don't get charged this time lol
on 05-12-2023 13:50
Thanks for getting back in touch. There are requirements in which you would need an installation, for the most part the adapter required will get delivered should you not fall under these requirements:
Do you have a Virgin Super Hub or Super Hub 2 (does it need relocating to be with your phone), or no Hub?
Do you or anyone in the household have a lifeline or any medical needs that are attached to your current Landline?
Do you have more than one handset serving as your Landline?
Do you have any intruder alarms linked to your current Landline?