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Re landline upgrade weekend chatter to anytime chatter

Not applicable


Having just wasted one hour on the the phone with virgin media can anyone tell me why the retention dept cannot give me any information regarding my account upgrade which i did on line and why virgin media have a different price for upgrade from retentions dept as compared  to doing it on line with the why it takes over 7 days to sort the upgrade out.

I can say to anyone who is thinking of changing there package from weekend chatter to anytime chatter go with the webteam.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Anonymous, thank you for your post.

We're sorry to hear about the poor experience you've had and that you feel this way 😔

Have you received confirmation in writing that the upgrade has been processed? 

We'll always do all we can to offer the best existing customer deal available, but prices may vary from time to time.

Please pop back to us at your earliest convenience.


Up to speed

Oh goodness; so that's the reason!  Due to changes in our circumstances we are having to use our  home phone a lot more now and I've been trying without success to upgrade my home phone from weekend chatter to anytime chatter!  Nothing works on the website and the dense 'Bot' I got to 'Chatter' with was absolutely useless!  I understood that it costs an extra £10 per month to have this  upgrade and it would be well worth it to us.  It's just that I dread having to use what Virgin laughingly calls it's  'Customer Services' to do this as I know from bitter experience that all that does is increase my blood pressure!  I was wondering if I could do it from here and also, as I am on a contract, apart from the extra £10., would upgrading  my package affect that? 

Hi reddwarf, thanks for the message and sorry to hear that there is a delay in the upgrade. This would usually be done after 24 hours due to 999 purposes. I will send you a PM so that we can confirm things with the account. Please look out for the message. - Chris. 

Not applicable

Hi Daniel

the only thing i received from virgin was a text message from the webteam with a order referance of [MOD EDIT: Personal details] order date Friday 21 July 23 new service anytime chatter added, removed from my account Weekend chatter activation date friday 28 July 23 ? new price for my account £91 from £81 so untill i get a bill cannot say if this has been sorted email address on text [MOD EDIT: Personal details]

@Anonymous wrote:

Hi Daniel

the only thing i received from virgin was a text message from the webteam with a order referance of [MOD EDIT: Personal details] order date Friday 21 July 23 new service anytime chatter added, removed from my account Weekend chatter activation date friday 28 July 23 ? new price for my account £91 from £81 so untill i get a bill cannot say if this has been sorted email address on text [MOD EDIT: Personal details]

Tell me, do you think it is a good idea to publicly post your email addresses, VM account number, order reference number plus the amount of your bill?

And people wonder why they get hacked and lose money - maybe you want to post your bank account details up here as well!

OK, yes that was harsh, but sometimes this is necessary, anything you post on the internet is immediately known to everyone else, and some people are not friendly. If I were to approach you in the street and ask for you account details, would you just cough them up?

Think about it!

Up to speed

I would be so grateful for any advice on upgrading my home phone whilst still in contract.  Please see my original Post (above)

Hi polly43, thanks for the message, 

You would be able to upgrade or downgrade the phone plan while in or out of contract and this will not change the contractual term. 

If you wish to remove the phone line while in contract then this would be subject to an early disconnection fee. 

Pease let us know if you need any further assistance. 

Kind regards, Chris. 

Well, yes, thanks for that Chris, but I have tried upgrading my phone online with no joy.  It doesn't work.  I am reluctant to use Customer Services, as I have had such awful service from them in the past and judging by some of the terrible experiences I've been reading on here, it has got even worse!  It's always more than two calls (because they invariably cut you off halfway through your first call) and I usually finish up spending a couple of hours on the phone trying to make several people understand what I want to do.  That is, to upgrade my home phone from weekend chatter to anytime chatter.  Pus, I do NOT want to finish up with no home phone at all, which is at least one other person's experience on here.  We are both elderly and rely on our phone, which as we are now both housebound, are finding we need to use more and more.  I would be very grateful for any help and advice. 


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi reddwarf, thanks for the message and the PM. 

I am glad to hear that the visit went well and that things are now resolved. 

Please let us know if anything changes. 

Kind regards, Chris.