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Phoneline is cutting off mid call

Tuning in

This problem is identical to Sheebs65 - it started occurring shortly after the switchover to internet connected phone in the summer.

The situation is we only make about one call on a sunday  - the rest are incoming and are of short duration. We have delayed making a complaint in the hope that everything would "bed in" and settle down - but it has`nt !!!!!!!!!!!!

The one call my wife makes to her friend (every Sunday at 10.30 am) should last abour 40 mins but after 30 mins the call is cut and my wife has to re-ring to re-establish contact which is often lost again, much to her extreme annoyance. This evening she received a call (from a neighbour who also has a Virgin phone ) which was lost after 3 mins. On re-connect the neighbour confirmed that she was often getting the same problem. (Thatcham)

I have been re-booting the modem every Sunday to ensure the speed and connection is working - and it always is. I will continue to do this but in future I will also dis- connect and reconnect the phone line to the modem in the hope thos will help - but I would prefer not to !!!!!

Please advise that our problem is receiving atttention and will be resolved. :- regards

Alan Taylor


Cordless Phones that drop calls can be a sign that their rechargeable batteries require replacement.

Domestic cordless phones tend to last a lot longer than mobiles and it is easy to forget that the years have passed, and the original batteries can be well past their best by 3 years.

The engineer attended today within the allotted time.

My wife and I gave him chapter and verse the problem we had been gaving over several months about losing connection mid- call on lengthy conversations she has every Sunday with her friend. Resuming the call sometimes results in loss within a few minutes sometimes not.

He was very perplexed regarding this fault as he had never encountered it before . He immediately rang a colleague engineer to see if he had any suggestions as to likely reasons. The other engineer was also at a loss as to the reason for this fault, he had no experience of it either.

The attending engineer examined all the equipment and its location and could find no apparent problems, both the Panasonic dect phones, the Hub (modem) and the Router. He decided yje best course of Hubaction was to replace the Hub and its adapter in the hope if there was a compromised port connection it would solve the fault. He connected a new Hub (version 3 same) and a new Adapter, and reconnected and ensured everything was working which it was. He was still worried that he had not actually identified the fault and asked that we monitor our calls for the next month and report how we got on which we will do.

He stressed that this would appear to be a rare fault - we cannot disagree - but it is very annoying and we would like to see it gone.

Will trport to this Forum further

regards AlanRos



I would concur - The first examination after the call loss was to check the charged status of the phone -t was sub par owing to a dodgy charge cradle . it was withdrawn from service and a decision was mage to replace the Panasonic with a new system whicg was done .The system is less than 6 months old

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi alanrostaylor,

Thanks for the updates regarding this however many apologies for the issues faced.

Just to clarify with the information, are you still experiencing the same issue?



Hi Kain

It`s  to early to say - we only use the phone about twice a week for calls to family and friends on a Sunday - we may start 45 min test calls - but we will see how Sunday goes.




Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

No worries,

Like you've advised, pop back up if you require further assistance.

All the best for now,


As promised we are updating the status of our fault.

Today my wife made a call to her friend Sunday morning at the usual time . The call lasted 51 minutes without any interruption. Going forward we will continue to monitor each Sunday call and any other calls received for performance.

The following should be noted - The differences in equipment conditions since the last failure. (1) New Hub and Phone Adapter (2)The Speaker volume  on the handset was reduced.- by me (3) there was no change to  any equipment or procedure at the other end. (4) The Hub was not re-booted

This fault was intermittent before - further monitoring for several similar  calls should highlight as to whether any success has been achieved . We shall see!




Thanks for the update AlanRos,

Do keep us posted 🙂


My wife today made her Sunday " lengthy" call to her friend in Somerset .It has been a fortnight since her last call.  This call lasted 48 minutes without any interruption, so success so far . A few other short calls have been made and received without a problem. 

I have now moved away from my suspicion of the integrity of the recipients landline phone battery - instead I must consider that the Hub and Adapter replacement may have played an unknown part in the current success.

The other possibility is that the Virgin operation may have solved other problems in signal supply that are not immediately obvious - they are the best judges of what may have been done and had a positive affect on the problem.

I shall continue to report on this matter for a few times more in the hope that it validates whatever it is that  has been done and helps other users that may experience this type of problem.








Hi @alanrostaylor 

Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated. Glad to hear that all is still looking resolved and you've had no further issues. Please let us know if you are having any further issues or have any questions at all. We'll be here to help on the community forums if needed :). 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent