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Phone switchover

Joining in

Ok received an adaptor, set up as instructed - nothing! I wasn’t told that the port would need to be activated.    Engineer came yesterday to sort it out and told that the problem is your end and should be resolved in 24 hours - nothing,  No communication, no update.  Not impressed.  Moving phone back to its original connection,  Perhaps you could let me know when you might do something! 


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @tjaleo 


Thank you so much for your post to the community forums and welcome back, it's great to have you here. 


We are so sorry to hear that you have faced these issues with your service. Can I ask what exactly the engineer stated when they visited? Did they say what the issue was exactly? 



Hi Ash! Engineer was surprised that the port on the Hub hadn’t been activated.  After messaging someone he received a message saying the problem was at Head zoffice and should be sorted in 24 hours.  He advised the home phone be left connected to the Hub. Nothing has happened.  I checked with him I had the tight cables and adaptor: he confirmed everything was ok.