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Phone switch over to fibre

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Just spent an infuriating hour on the phone to India 'support'   I got a letter saying my phone would be switched over to fibre on 13th April -  plugged my phone in last night and nothing - my normal wall socket is still working so how can that be if they have switched over.   Despite numerous attempts to explain to the support woman that i was actually calling from the phone connected to the wall socket she clearly had no idea what she was talking about and just reverted to her script each time then saying i needed an technician to come out but. the earliest appt was in two weeks !  Asked to be put through to someone in UK or 3rd line but she was adamant that line had been switched.  I don't have any phone LED on my hub so clearly its not recognising it.   As a Network consultant i pretty much know what i am doing with regard to cabling and troubleshooting network issues  etc..  why cant Virgin actually have a 3rd line tech desk who you can be passed to ( who also understand English would be a benefit) .  you just end up going round in circles with the current support desk.   really shocking customer support especially at the increased price we are paying 


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi robs27 👋

Thanks for posting, and a warm welcome to our Community Forums.

I'm sorry to hear about the problems you've been facing in regard to your migration. When we change your service to the Fibre Phone/21CV line, it can take up to 24 hours, and it's during this point where you'll find your wall socket landline "goes dead" and you would then plug the handset into the back of the Hub.

I've ran some checks on our side, and things should now have been changed over for you. Can you please try plugging the handset into the back of the Hub using the adapter (if needed)? You may need to reboot your Hub for the service to activate.


Reece - Forum Team

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Seems to be working now thanks 

Hi @robs27,

Thank you for the update on this. I'm glad to hear that this has now been addressed and resolved.

Please do let us know if there's anything more that we can help you with.


Zach - Forum Team
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