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Phone says "check your phone line"

Tuning in

Our phone is currently showing the message "check your phone line".  There are no known issues showing for our area.  Not sure how to progress this!


Accepted Solutions

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @antonye123 thanks for your post here in the Community, although we're sorry to hear of the issues you're facing with your phone line.

There aren't any issues on the line at the time of writing so we may need to send a technician for you.

With this in mind, please allow me to send you a PM so I can look into things further for you.

Kindly expect the PM from me to arrive shortly, and respond directly when you can!

Many thanks


See where this Helpful Answer was posted


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @antonye123 thanks for your post here in the Community, although we're sorry to hear of the issues you're facing with your phone line.

There aren't any issues on the line at the time of writing so we may need to send a technician for you.

With this in mind, please allow me to send you a PM so I can look into things further for you.

Kindly expect the PM from me to arrive shortly, and respond directly when you can!

Many thanks


Joining in

Hello, Check Connections: Ensure that all the phone cables and connections are securely plugged in. Verify that the phone line is properly connected to both the phone and the wall socket. Try unplugging and re-plugging the cables to ensure a secure connection. Test with Another Phone: If possible, try connecting a different phone to the same phone line to see if the issue persists. This will help determine if the problem lies with the phone itself or the phone line. Test in a Different Socket: If you have multiple phone sockets in your home, try plugging the phone into a different socket to see if the error message still appears. This will help identify if the issue is specific to one socket or if it affects all sockets. Restart or Reset Devices: Restart any devices related to your phone line, such as modems or routers. Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve connectivity issues. If there is a reset option available for your modem or router, you may consider performing a reset as a last resort. Note that a reset will restore the device to its factory settings, so make sure to consult the device's manual or contact your service provider for guidance. Contact Your Service Provider: If the issue persists after performing the above steps, it is recommended to contact your service provider's customer support. Explain the situation and provide details about the error message you are receiving. They will be able to run diagnostics on your line and provide further assistance in resolving the issue.