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Phone line not working

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Last few weeks the line has been getting worse and worse crackling and distortion pretty unusable.

It now doesn’t work at all. When calling it you get a ring but the phones handsets don’t ring or show any sign that a call is coming through. Equally nothing works calling out. Does a little pre-ring routine then just static. 

I have taken phones to neighbours and they work fine, equally the intercom system between them works fine. have also tried different/ new phones in socket. also opened socket and tried internal socket with same results.

Please can an engineer be scheduled or even better can I be switched to voip.

Thank you.


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi @lanceloto,

Welcome back to our Community Forums! Thank you for your first post and I'm very sorry to hear that you're having some landline connection issues!

I understand that you've tried making and receiving calls from the landline with no success and have tried different landline phones to test the connection.

Can you please confirm if there is an active dial tone on the landline at all? Have you taken a look at our Landline Faults page to see if this can help rectify or identify the issue?

Please take a look and let us know. If needed, we'll be more than happy to investigate further for you.

Thank you.

Forum Team

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hi i’ve done everything on the faults page.

No dial tone.

If i try to answer (even though it shows no sign of an incoming call or ring) i can hear a static version of the line ringing but can’t answer or connect.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi lanceloto,

Thanks for getting back to us and for trying the steps suggested online.

I'll pop you over a private message now so I can look into this further for you from there. Please look out for a message from me at the purple envelope.

Thanks 🙂


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi laceloto,

Thanks for chatting with me via private message. Your appointment is now all booked in for you.

You can manage your appointment time slot online here.

Let us know how it goes and if there's anything else we can help you with.


Thought I would update, Virgin engineer came and did tests, the line was knackered.

I asked if I could have voip installed instead (as having a phone by the router would actually be more convenient) and he breathed a sigh of relief as it made it a much quicker job for him.

Took around 10 minutes to get the phone set up on the router, and had no issues since. engineer said they are probably switching everyone around here later this year anyway so I am now ahead of the curve.

Thanks for all the help.

Great to hear everything has been sorted lanceloto 🙂

Thanks for letting us know,


My landline is not working. After switching to voip in January following a fault on the wire it has worked well.

But the last few days it has stopped working. People calling in get a straight answer machine. and when calling out it makes a dialling tone then get a long continuous tone. Unable to call any numbers.

Hi @Ianceloto thanks for your post here in the Community, although we're sorry to hear of your concerns raised with your landline.

There aren't any outages on the line here, so can you please try and reboot your Hub to see if this works?

Please let us know and we can take this further if not.

Many thanks



I tried rebooting yesterday and again just now it is still not working.