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Phone line dead

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Hi we've had a dead phone line for a few days and have been unable to get help elsewhere. I've not received any communications about it being to do with the VOIP switchover so I don't think it's to do with that.

It's a direct line into the wall socket, there's no dial tone at all, I've changed the cable from phone to socket and I don't have other phones to plug in to check.

I tried to call numerous times on my mobile to get the automatic line checker to run, and I follow the instructions, leave it for the 10-15 minutes before calling back for the result, but when I phone back it starts the whole process over again and never tells me the result of a line test.

I don't have the mobile credit to stay on hold for however long it takes to speak to someone so can we please at least get a line test result or something to start with?

Thank you


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Ajwilk75,

Thank you for your post. I'm sorry to hear you're having a bit of trouble with your landline phone; we appreciate the checks you've already completed at your end.

Looking from here, we can't see that your landline migration has been planned or put in place as of yet, so it's likely to be an issue with the external line or the handset you're using. 

I've popped you over a private message so I can take your details and arrange an engineer visit for you.



Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Ajwilk75 ,

Thanks for speaking with me via PM

I've now booked in your appointment for the agreed date and time. I've noted the appointment order to make the engineer aware that we were also having issues with the line tests on our end, and so we were unable to view the status of the landline or see any issues.

Please do keep us posted with how it goes and if you need anything else.
