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Permanently home number suppression has been turned off

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My Mum has renewed her contract and for some reason they have removed the permanently withhold home number suppression feature.  I have called 3 times and each time I'm assured that they have reapplied the permanent number suppression option but I have checked and my Mum's home number is still showing when she makes calls.

It previously took Virgin 6 weeks (and numerous phone calls and emails) to apply permanent number suppression to my Mum's account.  I really cannot face a repeat of this.

My Mum is a vulnerable pensioner and I don't want her subjected to cold calls/potential fraud by having her home number visible to all.

Can a member of the team that sorted this out previously please assist again?

Thank you in advance.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @AndreaPB 

Thanks for posting and welcome back to the community.

I am sorry to hear of your Mum missing the number suppression. I'll send you a PM now to assist further.

Best wishes.

Forum Team

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With our parents well into their 80s,  I'm not sure withholding the number is a smart idea.

Seeing that number might just be the info the GP or NHS 111 needs to organise an emergency response for you mother.

The only people seeing the number are the people she places call to.