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No dial tone

Tuning in

Hi, our landline suddenly stopped working today - no dial tone, just crackles.  We have followed all of the usual suggestions. Virgin’s system check says there are no issues with our home phone, and we are going round in circles online between various help pages with no option to actually report the issue. And we cannot find a telephone number to call (from our mobile obviously, since there is no dial tone on the landline) to request assistance. This is beyond frustrating!! Please help.  Thank you, Robin


Tuning in

Hi Robin, from my experiences recently highlighted in another post in this forum I found the number from a mobile for Virgin Media is 0345 454 1111.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @RobinG 

Welcome to our community forums and thank you for your first posts.

Sorry to hear you are having issues with your landline and have been unable to reach us. We can understand your concern and want to best help. I have sent you a private message. Please look out for the purple envelope and provide a response when you can.


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Up to speed
Another massive outage again by the looks of it Robin. I've just checked via my mobile (not with Virgin) and map shows quite significant issues across the UK.

Thanks so much. We called that number and have arranged for a technician to visit (on Monday which isn’t ideal but at least progress of sorts!!). Thanks again.

Thank you for the update @RobinG We are glad to see our team has been able to schedule an engineer appointment for you. Please let us know how this goes and if you need any further help.


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Hello again, hoping you can help. As I mentioned before, we spoke to customer support on Wednesday and an engineer’s appointment was scheduled for this Monday (17th April). Then on Friday we unexpectedly received in the post a cable and some generic leaflets, which seemed to imply our phone - which has always been plugged into a Virgin Media phone socket - should now be connected to our hub. Have we been automatically switched over to fibre phone line without this actually being communicated to us?! When I scanned the QR code and followed the instructions to use the cable posted to us and I connected the phone to the hub we suddenly have a dial tone on our phone again (whereas there is no dial tone when the phone is connected to the socket). We are totally confused at this point and disappointed by the poor communication from Virgin Media. We are happy to have a dial tone again, but don’t know for sure: 1) if we have been permanently switched over to fibre phone line, i.e. will the socket be redundant from now on? 2) is the problem we reported on Wednesday now permanently fixed and should we cancel the engineer on Monday? 3) is there any change to the billing for our account in terms of the phone line (we did not request a fibre phone line, so we assume there will not be any increase in cost, but would there be a reduction in the charge?) Please could you answer these 3 questions and clear up all of the confusion. I really do not want to have to call customer support again. Thank you in advance.

Alessandro Volta

@RobinG wrote:

Hello again, hoping you can help. As I mentioned before, we spoke to customer support on Wednesday and an engineer’s appointment was scheduled for this Monday (17th April). Then on Friday we unexpectedly received in the post a cable and some generic leaflets, which seemed to imply our phone - which has always been plugged into a Virgin Media phone socket - should now be connected to our hub. Have we been automatically switched over to fibre phone line without this actually being communicated to us?! When I scanned the QR code and followed the instructions to use the cable posted to us and I connected the phone to the hub we suddenly have a dial tone on our phone again (whereas there is no dial tone when the phone is connected to the socket). We are totally confused at this point and disappointed by the poor communication from Virgin Media. We are happy to have a dial tone again, but don’t know for sure: 1) if we have been permanently switched over to fibre phone line, i.e. will the socket be redundant from now on? 2) is the problem we reported on Wednesday now permanently fixed and should we cancel the engineer on Monday? 3) is there any change to the billing for our account in terms of the phone line (we did not request a fibre phone line, so we assume there will not be any increase in cost, but would there be a reduction in the charge?) Please could you answer these 3 questions and clear up all of the confusion. I really do not want to have to call customer support again. Thank you in advance.

If VM has sent you the adapter and associated info then it sounds like you have been 'switched' (as part of a rolling programme of work).

Once switched, your phone sockets no longer work. Your only phone connection is on the back of the VM hub.

VM should offer to link existing phone sockets to the connection from the VM hub (free of charge as part of the switchover) if you still need the wall sockets to work via the VM hub.

You do not get any reduction in package charges as you are still receiving the same VM landline service and use of a VM phone number, just delivered via a different means.

You should fully test the 'new' line to make sure it is working correctly. Can you make calls in/out using your normal landline number? Does caller ID function correctly etc. etc.?

Hi Robin 👋 thank you for returning to the thread to keep us updated. 

Sorry to hear this additional feedback including your concerns about the landline switchover. Apologies this has been your experience! 

You can see lots of great information about this process here 👉 Landline Switchover | Virgin Media Help, in this leaflet 👉 Switchover_Migration_Leaflet.pdf ( and on community here 👉  Everything You Need To Know - Virgin Media Community - 4757332. This answers many of the questions you have but I will do my best to summarise here too. 

All customers should receive a communication from us ahead of the landline switchover. Either by email, or post. If you haven't received anything it may be worth checking your Junk or Spam inboxes, and ensuring your contact details are up to date via My Virgin Media 👉

1) Thank you for confirming you have now plugged in the hub via the instructions and adapter provided, and that you have a dial tone. This means the landline switchover has been completed and you are now operating via our Voice over IP service (landline via Hub.) Yes you have been permanently switched ver to fiber line, and so the socket will no longer be functioning.

2) It is highly likely that the issue you were experiencing was due to the landline switchover which has now been completed. (This is indicated by the fact you now have a dial tone). However it would be good to know if you have been able to make or receive calls since swapping over? Please let us know so we can offer further support with this and cancel the technicians appointment if needed. Although you should also be able to do this yourself via 👉

3) There is no change to your account in terms of billing. 

Hope this helps clear things up! Please let us know if there is anything else you need support with, or if you do need support cancelling the upcoming appointment on Monday! All the best 🌞



@goslow thanks so much for your reply, really helpful, and it all make sense now 👍 Have fully tested the line and everything appears to be working. Thanks again 🙏🏻