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No adapter

Tuning in

I've got the same problem. Despite several promises on phone calls absolutely no adapter has arrived and now I have received a text (no letter) saying I should plugin this non-existent adapter in tomorrow! After serval attempts online and by phone it is virtually impossible to talk to anyone or find a place to order an adapter. Frankly its a shocking lack of customer service and systems. How can I get an adapter - if I don't get one I will be left without a phone line.


Accepted Solutions

Hi @brianhomer 

Thanks for confirming your details with me via PM.

I've now arranged for an adapter to be sent out to you. Please expect to receive this within five working days.

Kind regards


See where this Helpful Answer was posted


Tuning in

If only I could get an adapter too! I am at a loss as to how to get one. I was promised one on the phone but nothing has arrived and now you have texted to ay I need to install tomorrow! Not impressed I'm afraid.

Tuning in

Its appalling isn't it. Just incompetence and a lack of attention to detail. If there was a viable and fast alternative I'd leave.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi brianhomer,

Welcome to the Community Forums! Thanks for your post. 

I'm sorry to hear you have not received your RJ11 adapter from us, despite your switchover occurring tomorrow.

I've dropped you a private message so I can take your details and arrange for one to be sent out to you. Please look out for my message over at the purple envelope.



Hi @brianhomer 

Thanks for confirming your details with me via PM.

I've now arranged for an adapter to be sent out to you. Please expect to receive this within five working days.

Kind regards


Thanks Beth!

No worries! 😊

Let us know if you need anything else at all.

Have a great weekend.


Joining in

Hi my phone switched over on the 13th October and still haven’t received the adapter so not been able to make calls or receive calls please send me adapter. 

Hi Vicky41


Thank you for your post and welcome to our community.

I am sorry to hear that.

I will send you a private message now. Please look out for the purple envelope in the top right of the page and pop me a reply when you can. 

Vikki - Forum Team

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