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My landline does not work there is nothing there I even bought new phones in case it was my old phones but absolutely nothing. When I phoned virgin last week it was monitored over 24 hours they said all ok there end but obviously not. I need an engineer to come out and look at it as soon as possible I have my elderly father living here.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @Rita3 


Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 


I am so sorry that you have faced issues with your telephone service. Can I first ask if you have the phone connected at the Hub or at the wall? 


Thank you. 

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It is on the wall

Thank you @Rita3 


I'm going to pop you a Private Message so that we can take a closer look into this. I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the purple envelope in the top right corner of your screen alerting you to a new message.

Thank you for chatting with me @Rita3 via a PM an we are so glad to hear that our phone teams were able to resolve this for you.


Please do pop back to us in the future should you need any assistance.