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Landline problem

Tuning in


No dial tone on my landline, I've tried all the steps in the troubleshooting but with no improvement.

Incoming calls ring the phone, but when you pick up there's nobody there.

Any suggestions gratefully received.



Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @David868686 

Thank you so much for your first post to our community forums, and welcome to the team. 

I am so sorry to hear that you have faced this issue with your landline. Can I ask if the line is connected at a mains socket in the wall or to your Hub? 

How many other pieces of equipment are connected here? 


Thanks for the response. It's connected to the main wall socket. I've tried taking the faceplate off and connecting to the master socket but it made no difference.



Sorry, forgot to mention, nothing else connected to that socket.

Thank you for popping back to me @David868686 I'd like to take a closer look into this with you via a Private Message. 

I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.