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Landline number change

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Hi, my nan has just had the landline switchover and her landline number has changed. She is 85 years old and has only ever had one number which everyone in the family/doctors etc know. So now no one can get hold of her as she doesn’t know her new number. How can we change it back to her original number? 


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Frances15,

Thank you for your post and welcome to the community. 

I'm very sorry to hear about the account holders number. 

To confirm, have they moved over to us from another provider?


Hi martin, 

no she’s been with virgin for nearly 10 years but her phone was cut off because of miscommunication on your side.

now she’s in a new contract with a new number but needs her old landline number to communicate.


Okay, thank you for that. I am happy to take a look into this to see if we can recover the number. 

I will private message you now to confirm your details. 
