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Landline dead for third time.

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Phone landline has been dead for two weeks, prior to that if someone rang I just got crackling on the line , also complete strangers would ring me asking why I had rung them which I had not.  Can this be sorted please.


Accepted Solutions

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Keithbf47 👋

Welcome back to our Community Forums and thanks for your post. 

I am sorry to hear you're experiencing these issues with your landline.

I'd love to help you further so will pop you a PM now 📩 to confirm some details.

Speak to you soon 😊

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See where this Helpful Answer was posted


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Keithbf47 👋

Welcome back to our Community Forums and thanks for your post. 

I am sorry to hear you're experiencing these issues with your landline.

I'd love to help you further so will pop you a PM now 📩 to confirm some details.

Speak to you soon 😊

Forum Team

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Thanks for confirming the requested details via PM @Keithbf47 

I've booked a technician for you to come out and have a look into the issue. You can find confirmation of the visit via your 👉 online account.

Please let me know if there are any problems with the date or time and I can look to reschedule this for you. In regards to the appointment there are some details you need to know about. There will be no charge for this visit unless:

•The technician diagnoses the faults as not being caused by our network/equipment 
•The technician discovers that the fault or problem relates to your equipment
•The technician discovers that the fault or problem relates to any system that we are not responsible for

The technician will confirm during their visit if any of these instances apply, and if so, a £25 charge will be applied to your account.

Please ensure there is someone over the age of 18 present at the time of the visit. If you need to change or cancel your appointment you can also do this online or via the MyVM app by 4pm the day before the appointment.

If you do miss an agreed appointment for any reason, a £25 missed appointment charge will be applied to your account on the day of the appointment.

Let us know how the visit goes!


Forum Team

New around here? Check out the do's and don'ts, in our Community FAQs

Hi  Ayisha_B

Thanks for booking the technician to look at the problem.

He said he would have to arrange for a phone technician to come out as it was not within his skill set, I assumed that this was going to be dealt with but as yet nothing seems to be happening.  Could you look in to this Please.

Many thanks Keith.

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Many apologies for the issues faced Keithbf47,

Did the technician advise of a timeframe at all to get this raised?



Interesting, so it would indicate that VM are acknowledging that some technicians that they dispatch, aren’t actually qualified or knowledgable about they are supposed to be dealing with, no? Kain’s response to this thread would seem to be a tacit acknowledgement that this is indeed the case!

You know, that’s not actually a good reflection on VM’s customer service provision, but, whatever!

Alternatively, of course, VM might maintain that all of their technicians are fully trained on all aspects of their services. The implication of course, in that case, is that you are simply lying.

So it seems we are down to two options, VM are accusing you of outright lying for some reason, or that they do really dispatch technicians unable or unwilling to do what is needed.

Let’s see what the forum team come back with?


Hi Kain, thanks for the reply, no I was not given a timeframe.

The phone connects now and again but a conversation is impossible sometimes the handset says check line as the line is dead and as I mentioned before I had calls from people asking why I had called them none of which I knew, that was when the problem started several weeks ago, so it's unusable at the moment and that was why the tech guy said it was out of his field.

Thanks again. Keith.

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hey @Keithbf47,

Thanks for getting back to us, sorry to hear your landline is still having this issue.

For me to look into this best for you what I would like to do is invite you in for a quick private message so that I can review this deeper for you, if you have not used this feature before you can access it via the envelope at the top of your screen.

Speak soon. Joe